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FrontPage 97 Tips

Tip #1 By Dave Walther

1. Creating your web page:
Using FP97 is an easy experience. The programme comes filled with templates
(or samples) so you don't have to go through the hassles of starting from scratch.

From a template:
I) On the file menu, click New. (The New Page dialogue box appears)
ii) In the Template or Wizard box, select Normal Page (or your choice) and then click OK. (A blank page is added to your website.)

Save a web page to your website:
I) On the standard toolbar, clock the save button.

The save dialogue box appears. The first time you save a Web page, the Save
As dialogue box appears. Thereafter, changes to the web page will be saved without the Save As dialogue box appearing.

ii) In the Page Title Box, type the name of the new page

The filename in the file path within your FP Web box changes to reflect the title of the Web page, to save you time saving your Web page. Because the title of your web page is longer than eight characters, the filename of the web page will break off at eight characters or at the first space in the title, whichever comes first.

iii) Click OK

The web page is saved to your website. Your screen should be blank with the name you created appearing in the top blue bar.

The page is now ready for editing.