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FrontPage Addons - FrontLook

AccessFP In Association with FrontLook

FrontLook Effects:
Template Products:
Developer Products:
Theme Developers Tools:

FrontLook Effects - Take FrontPage to the Max with FrontLook Effects

Scroller, Slideshow, Image Effects and Text Effects. Also included in this package is 16 more applets and over 60+ FrontPage themes, 180 sound effects and web art.Formerly Series 123 Buy Now - $49.95 - Info

The FrontLook Page Effects package contains 3 sub-products, Page Effects, Cursor Effects and Splash Pages, that work together to create animated web page environments. Also included are animation templates so you can create your own Page and Cursor effects.Formerly FX 123 Buy Now $49.95 - Info

Three Component; Scroller, Page Scroller with support for images and Slideshow with complex captions.Latest Product Buy Now - $29.95 - Info

Buy All Three FrontLook Effects Products and Save $20!

Buy all 3 - Save $20 Buy Now - $109.85 - Info

Template Products - Give Your Web A Professional Makeover Quickly And Easily

Explore the Power of Dynamic Web Templates with FrontLook Dynamic Web Template Browser. Two Free DWTs included.

Buy Now - Only $29.95 - Info

Makeover your existing FrontPage web in a matter of seconds. Super Themes gives you the wrap-around theme look with the ease-of-use of regular FrontPage Super Themes.

9 Packages - $39.95 EACH

Most Packages have 4 Designs and 4 Colour Variations for one low price!!

Developer Products - Productivity Tools for FrontPage Web Development

Now your web site can have its own professional Site Search Engine with FrontLook Site Search Engine!Buy Now  $39.95  Info

Make compelling Multimedia HTML Presentations from the Web site to Burn to CD!Buy Now - $39.95 - Info

With the FrontLook Chameleon you can change the color, saturation and brightness of your theme graphics in seconds, without an image editor! Buy Now - $29.95 - Info

Add User Interface Screen Shots to a web page or word processing documents. Email a Screen shot to explain a technical problem. Works with or without Microsoft FrontPage!Buy Now - $19.95 - Info     

A Super Theme Maker Tool and Super Theme Installer Tool 
are also available for Theme Developers.

The Super Theme Maker a tool for the Theme developer to make Super Themes and Super Theme Compatible web templates. Web Templates that use Shared borders can easily be converted to Super Themes with very little modification. Only $39.95!

Important: This product assumes that you a familiar with the making of shared border webs in FrontPage, designing FrontPage themes and that you have already purchased and installed the Super Themes browser and Web templates on your system. This product does not aid in the development or integration of the FrontPage theme with the wrap-around shared border graphics.

Once the designer has created a shared border web, the Super Theme Maker can be used to create a Super Theme. This shared border web should use a FrontPage Theme, shared border graphics and include several web pages. Once the web is completed and tested, the designer selects the File->Save Web As Super Theme menu item. The STMaker will compile and save a Front Page compatible web template and a Super Theme.

System Requirements:

FrontPage 2000 or FrontPage 2002
Win98, WinMe, WinNT or Win2000 
8MB of Disk Space
Super Theme Maker will only compile a FrontPage Web using Shared Borders.

Use the Super Theme Logo graphics on your web site.

Make additional money by joining our Affiliate program.

To join, send email to us, describing the Theme products that you would like to create or convert to Super Themes.

The Super Theme Installer allows the Super Theme developer to create compact, royalty-free Super Theme Installers for redistribution and sale. Only $39.95!

The Super Theme Installer package includes an installer wizard that will step you through the process of making a fully functional Super Themes self extracting installer*. Once your Super Themes installer is built, you can redistribute or sell the installer with your Super Themes royalty free**. 

The ST Installer will create installers for both FrontPage 2000/2002 installations in a single package. The Super Theme Installer can package one or more Super Themes into a single Super Theme Installer. 

System Requirements:

FrontPage 2000 or FrontPage 2002
Win98, WinMe, WinNT or Win2000 
8MB of Disk Space
WinZip Self -Extractor* - ~$49
WinZip Command Line Add-on - Free

Join our Super Themes Developers Program. Get listed our our web as a Super Theme provider
Use the Super Theme Logo graphics on your web site.
No Cost to Join! 
Make additional money by joining our Affiliates program.
Be listed on our 3rd party Super Themes page.

* To create self-extracting installers you will need to purchase, separately, the WinZip Self Extractor software package. For more information, please see the WinZip web site at  

**The Super Theme installer executable is licensed to ST Installer licensee on a royalty free basis. It is assumed that the Super Theme author is the copyright owner to the Super Theme content installed by the ST Installer. The Super Theme Installer license in no way authorizes the theme developer to redistribute DPA Software copyrighted Super Theme material in whole or in part.