When you use NetStores, your online Web store has two parts.
The first part is your Web site, which contains pages of information, and presents products or services from your store.
The second part of your store is hosted at NetStores and contains information on your inventory of products, your orders, and the look and feel of your shopping cart system. Think of NetStores as the cash register and your Web site as your storefront.
Shopping cart for your Web store
NetStores provides shopping cart services that allow your customers to select items to add to their shopping cart, to view the contents of their cart, to check out, and to connect to credit card processing.
Searching your Web store
In addition to the standard shopping cart services, NetStores allows your customers to search your inventory of products. You can easily configure the look and feel of the NetStores search results to match your store's aesthetics. The search results can contain links back to each product listed in the search, as well as thumbnail images and many other features.
Tools needed:
To change your Web site into a fully functional online Web store, you will need:
A spreadsheet program
A browser
Step-by-step guide to setting up your store
If you have not already done so, download and install the FREE NetStores E-Commerce Toolkit.
Next, you will need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Sign-up for a new account at NetStores and configure NetStores and FrontPage to suit your needs. Using our service, you can be selling products from your Web site within 24 hours. See signing-up.
Step 2: Enter your Merchant ID and Password.
Step 3: Download the item file.
Step 4: Edit the item file to add information on your products or services, using your own spread sheet software.
Step 5: Upload the item file.
Step 6: Login to NetStores and configure your store on the NetStores server.
Step 7: Connect the item file in FrontPage so that the NetStores objects have access to your list of products.
Step 8: Add appropriate HTML elements (NetStores objects in FrontPage) to your Web site to link into your new NetStores account and transform your Web site into a Web store.
Individual E-Commerce HTML elements:
Add to Cart / Instant Purchase buttons
View Cart links
General Search links
Quick Search / User Defined Search buttons and input elements
Driven / Pre-Configured Search links
Quick Form / Configured System forms (one page with all your products)
Additional information, help, and updates
The NetStores E-Commerce system is highly configurable and contains many more features than are possible to list here. To get more information on the NetStores E-Commerce system, or to see if we can meet your specific needs, you can contact NetStores and we will help you.