FrontPage Addons - FrontPage Devices
Access FP - In Association With FrontPage Devices
FrontPage Devices: New
Page Tools v2.5:
Media Manager:
Lurch Search
NOTE: PageTools does not work with FrontPage 98.
FrontPage Devices
Is a unique new addon for Microsoft FrontPage 2000, 2002 and 2003.
Price $79.95
Devices give your site capabilities that have never been seen in a FrontPage add-on before:
Dynamic Menus (XP Style Navigation Bars, Elevator Menus)
Real-time Clocks (digital and analog) Scrolling News Ticker Slide Show / Presentations - Allows you to play a list of photographs (or slides from Microsoft PowerPoint), which playing MP3 narration for each. Text Ads - Random text ads for advertising your affiliate links or other web sites. MP3 Players - Build a play list, then play it on your web site. Can be used for streaming narration as well!
- Professionally designed, visually appealing components. Will increase the presentational value on any web site!
- No need for Macromedia Flash, or any knowledge of Flash / ActionScript.
- Easy to use and work with. Easily make changes or enhancements.
- Supported by ALL major browsers
- Fast loading. Our components do not add a delay to the load of your web pages.
- Add a new level of interactivity for your users, with audio and visuals.
- Expandable - New components can be downloaded from our web site, giving you total control over the features you want to use.
- Increase the value of your work - your customers will love these components, and you, as the web developer, can charge more for your work.
- Supported on all major versions of Microsoft FrontPage (2000, 2002 (XP), and 2003)
- Devices is compatible with any web browser that supports Macromedia Flash, over 98% of web users!
- Updateable - Devices uses a web update feature, so your software is always up-to-date and bug free.
- Expandable - New Devices can be downloaded from our web site allowing to pick and choose which components you want to install and work with. Download only the ones you need.
PageTools Version 2.5
Is a set of tools designed to work with Microsoft FrontPage 2003 2002 and FrontPage 2000. Using these tools, several tedious chores in FrontPage can now be simplified. PageTools has been tested and found to work with Microsoft Windows 95, 98/98SE, Windows NT Workstation & Server, as well as Windows 2000 Professional / Server, Windows ME, and Windows XP.
Please note: PageTools does not work with FrontPage 98.
PageTools Ver 2.5 contains the following utilities
Price: $24.95
Template Copier - Create one HTML template file using your favorite theme, or CSS styles, graphics, and JavaScript. Then apply it to as many pages within your web as you need.
Theme Copier - Allows you to copy themes between FrontPage installations. Now you build your theme and take it with you on floppy to install in another system. Easier than copying files!
Export Utility - Microsoft FrontPage 98 had an export utility (as well as any HTML authoring tool should). FrontPage 2000 does not. Well here it is. Allows you to select as many files as you like, and export them to your local PC, in the folder of your choice. Can preserve Folder Structure of your web while exporting files. ASP, PHP, and other scripted documents can now be exported. Microsoft Access databases protected by FrontPage ("/fpdb" folder) can now be exported as well. Even though Export returned in FrontPage 2002, you can only export one file at a time, PageTools Export allows you to export a whole web site, if that's necessary!
Flash Import Utility - Allows you to automatically import an SWF file into your FrontPage web, as well as insert the necessary code into your web page for both IE and Netscape!
Code Snips - Grab frequently used HTML blocks and insert them easily into pages without the need to re-create styles or HTML code.
Quick Web Open - Allows you to quickly open a pre-defined FrontPage web site NEW
PageTools is available for download. Without registration, PageTools will function for 14 days, after which you must either register the product or delete it. All of the features in PageTools are functional in this release.
Media Manager 2.0
Allows you to insert several popular multimedia players from within Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002 and Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000.
Price: $$24.95
Media Manager does not change your movie, nor does it help you create it. It simply provides the necessary code to insert a player, and allows you to customize how the player will look within your page. Media Manager can also be used to upload the necessary files to the World Wide Web for distribution. Note that Media Manager provides the basic functionality for these players. Media Manager supports the following players:
Microsoft Media Player, RealNetworks Real Player, Apple QuickTime Player, Macromedia Flash Player
Lurch Search 1.0
Is a personal search engine for IIS / ASP based web sites which can be utilized through Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002 or Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000. The person implementing Lurch does not have to know anything about ASP. NO CODING, OR COMPLEX SERVER SETUPS REQUIRED!
Price: $19.95
Lurch is highly customizable, and does not require an Index Server or FileSystem objects to be available on the server. Lurch's index capabilities allows web masters to setup categories for searching (for example: General, Knowledge Base, Support, etc), and allows the user to choose which files should be indexed for each category. Lurch also produces databases that are 400% to 600% smaller in file size due to the way indexing is accomplished. With most personal web search engines, all of the HTML code that a page is comprised of is indexed, while Lurch will only index the content of a page.
Server Requirements:
Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002 or Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000.
Windows NT / 2000 Server running IIS and ASP.
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) must reside on the server.
Support for Microsoft Access or SQL Server on the server.
Lurch is configured and setup on a web site through the use of Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002 or FrontPage® 2000. The Add-On generates and uploads the necessary ASP files to the server for use. Lurch will not work on disk based webs, or web sites that are not running Internet Information Server and ASP. If you're not sure about the type of server your web site is on, contact your web host or systems administrator to make sure that you meet the requirements for running Lurch.
Microsoft Access
Lurch is capable of working with Microsoft Access databases. Microsoft Access files will require CHANGE permissions on the server for the IUSR_ (anonymous user) account. By default, FrontPage can import the database into the fpdb folder and assign the rights automatically. However, under certain circumstances this may not work and will require the intervention of the Systems Administrator. If you notice that Lurch is not saving data to the database, try to Recalculate Hyperlinks first. If that doesn't work, contact your web host or Systems Administrator and ask them to set up the necessary permissions for the fpdb folder.
OS Requirements
Lurch has been tested with Windows 95B, Windows 98SE, Windows 2000 Professional and Server, Windows Millennium, and Windows XP Professional Edition.