Overview - FrontPage Themes 98
You apply a theme to all pages in the current FrontPage web in the FrontPage Explorer's Themes View. Once a theme has been applied, you can change to a different theme, or remove the theme.
Themes Designer software Developers Kit
FrontPage 98 Theme Verifier
Set sizes
You also apply, change, or remove themes page-by-page in the FrontPage Editor using the Theme command on the Format menu.
In both the FrontPage Explorer and the FrontPage Editor, the Theme Preview pane lets you preview sample page elements as they will appear on your Web pages. You can preview a theme before applying it by selecting it from the list of available themes. FrontPage includes over 50 themes.
Before applying a theme, you can select options that change the appearance of the theme's components. For example, selecting Vivid Colours will apply brighter colours to text and graphics, selecting Active Graphics will animate certain theme components, and selecting Textured Background will apply a textured background image to the pages in your FrontPage web.
Themes Designer software Developers Kit:
Microsoft FrontPage98 Themes Designer software Developers Kit.
The SDK is on the CD (MS has taken it off the site if you find the url again let me know)
FrontPage98 Theme designer
To install the Theme Designer, exit the FrontPageExplorer and the FrontPageEditor (if they are running) and run tdsetup.exe from the \SDK\THEMES\DESIGNER folder on the FrontPage98 CD-ROM or from the Free downloadable FrontPage98 Software Developer's Kit. After Set-up has completed, launch the FrontPageExplorer. To start the Theme Designer, choose the Show Theme Designer command from the FrontPageExplorer's Tools menu and away you go:)
FrontPage 98 Theme Verifier:
The FrontPageTheme Designer installs a second utility: the FrontPageTheme Verifier. The program THMVERAS.EXE can be found in the \BIN directory under the FrontPageinstallation directory. This utility can be used to verify that the custom themes you create meet the basic requirements to work well with FrontPage®.
Firstly to make life easy put THMVERAS.EXE on your desktop as a shortcut...
Then double click..this opens a large dialog box called the Theme verification assistant.
It will say 'There are no themes to display'.
Click 'Open' this brings up a listing of all your themes.
Select the theme you want to verify and press 'OK'.
This will bring you back to the 'Theme verification assistant' Next to the theme you selected will be a + sign, click on this. Now depending on whether or not the theme you selected has anything wrong with it...(The ones that come with FrontPage98 don't)...A file of errors will show up...click thumbnail to see a cut of an error report.
If you want to save this report click Dump. This will dump it into a log file which you can save...For easy reading and printing I change it to a .txt file and save.
The Theme Verifier is most useful if you are going to create themes without the help of the Theme Designer. It analyses one or more theme directories and creates a report that can be saved and printed.
There are no help files with theme designer but there is a extensive web developer help file called FPDevkit.doc under the SDK folder on your FrontPage CD - ROM
FrontPage Themes
A list for people who design their own FrontPage Themes and Web Templates. Share tips and tricks for themes.
Discussion of FrontPage themes and Templates
Themes are one of the most versatile and fun features of FrontPage. Here you can ask questions about any problems you may be having either using them or learning how to use them.
The Microsoft FrontPage 98 Themes and Web Templates Pack
The Templates Pack provides users of FrontPage98 with eight new professionally-designed themes and Web templates including the Group and Team Webs created specifically for collaborative intranet users.
Set sizes:
Remember there are pre-set sizes and alignments, so figure how you want the theme to look before getting very frustrated getting the text to line up with buttons, banners, etc.
Here is a list of sizes and alignment