Web Crafting Tools
Tech Support
Techsupport guy
Free Tech help with anything on the web! Anything making you pull your hair out? Try here for an answer to your question
Active Directory Tools
Using Active Directory Tools can be helpful when you have a site that interacts with user accounts. Active Directory is a directory structure used on Microsoft Windows based computers and servers to store information and data about networks and domains.
The Banner generator
Does what it says!
Free Counters and Trackers
All the counters and trackers in one place
Downloads, (shareware & Freeware)
CNet download
CNet download - Button applet
An excellent file site that reviews and rates programs to avoid download disappointment.
Hints, tricks and shareware for Windows 95 - not an official Microsoft site.
Ezine Articles
Articles galore
For Windows Fanatics
Network of Researches
Clickz Network
For Marketers
Is an application for 32-bit Windows that can assist you in creating HTML code for sections of web page text that have a graduated colour effect. Besides looking rather cool, this kind of effect in a web page can make for eye-catching text and great headlines.
General Resources
The Data Recovery specialist!
Can YOU do without it!
JavaScript links that you can save in your Bookmarks (and/or Favourites). They'll turn your browser into a SUPER browser. When stored in your Bookmarks/Favourites, you can highlight a word on a web page, then select the Bookmarklet, and it will search for that term throughout the site.
Web tricks to jazz up your Web site. We'll show you how to time your splash sheet, have a slick slide show, and add search to your site. From the super ninja mailto, to annoying watermarks, these tricks will stupefy your friends. We've got the tools for the tricks.
GIF Cleaners:
GIF clean
GIF image files contain a number of internal structures. These structures govern how the GIF is displayed, the looping counter, delay times, etc.
GIF Wizard. Compress your graphics!
Glossary of web terms!
To utilize InformIT, all you need to do is become a member of InformIT.
Images/graphics help:
What can I say you will have to visit:) It's only the most effective, elegant and inexpensive way to locate, view, edit, print and organise your images, metafiles, fonts and movies.
Keywords/meta tags:
Keyword counter
This site counts how many keywords are used in on a particular page and compares it with another URL of your choice (e.g. rival) and shows what you have missed out in your meta tags!
Meta tag
Meta tag Analyser!
A logo made just for you!
Promoting your site:
Virtual stampede
Help with promoting your site. Stuff for looking at URLs and everything to check out your site for search engines this merits a looksee!
Search engine help:
Internet newsbureau
Submit your press release!
The ultimate shareware
Reference Library
This section on the prodigy site has a reference library stuffed full of information that helps craft your site I would check it out.
Search Engine Help and Advice
This is a great free graphic showing how the search engines relate to one another. You might consider visiting the site at BruceClay.com especially the Search Engine Optimization
Search engine help
check out this site for lots of help!
SEO Techniques
I recommend this list, you won't be sorry.
Mikes world
For web design, tools scripts, and a free newsletter! This site is getting big, it is mentioned in quite a few mags and sites so if that many people think it is good you SHOULD check it out:)
JavaScript homepage useful site!
Checkout your stats!
Submit your site (Awards)
Top ten links
You can submit your URL and vote who you think is the best, if you have a great site this will drive them to it:)
Submit your site (search engines)
Submit it! Online
Submit your site to the search engines!
Site See
Submission Service Free Analysis!
MIS Web Design
Articles covering Web Design, Internet Marketing and Usability. New
Simple FTP
Here you can download WS - Lite a easy to use FTP program and Cherokee Tracker who is the webmaster for Simple FTP takes you step by easy step through the set up and use. Try it out!
An Interactive tutorial
For beginners!
The people from HotWired explain how to produce nigh-on perfect Web site!
The web design resource
Clutter-free guide to producing perfect Web pages. How you’ll code!
Web Pages That Suck
Go look for a demo!