FrontPage 2000 Links
New FrontPage Links
FrontPage 2000 Links
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Links
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Knowledge base ArticlesFrontPage 2000 links are listed specifically on this page, but there are many more here
New FrontPage Links:
Added 5th June 2000
FrontPage Overview
You know FrontPage is out there, but is it right for you? Let Gayle show you what it's about, and then you can decide for yourself.
FrontPage 2000 Links!
Welcome to FrontPage 2000 in the classroom
Animated look at a class on FrontPage 2000
Cnet's FrontPage 2000 magic
Six tips on FrontPage
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 links
Information and Downloads for the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Message Language Sets
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions
Find the latest news and updates, downloads, and the FrontPage Server Extensions Resource Kit for server administrators hosting sites on Windows 32-bit servers or other platform architectures such as UNIX or Alpha.
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Tutorial
FrontPage Tutorial
The best way to get acquainted with Microsoft FrontPage® 2000 is through hands-on practice. This tutorial will show you how easy it is to build Web sites every bit as sophisticated and attractive as many of the award-winning sites on the World Wide Web today.
Software Developer's Kit for FrontPage 2000
Developer Kit
The Software Developer’s Kit is for anyone interested in extending the capabilities of Microsoft FrontPage through the use of wizards, templates, themes, custom FrontPage components, custom menu commands, or Designer HTML.
FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions for UNIX
FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions for Windows
Collapsing and Expanding Outlines Using OnMouseOver Event
Enable Collapsible Outlines Not Disabled when Browser Compatibility is Set to Navigator
Enable Collapsible Outlines Option Does Not Appear in Bullets and Numbering Dialog Box
FrontPage Does Not Properly Check Spelling for English (British)
Did you know the Free Microsoft Quizzing Engine was no longer available from Microsoft?
Here are two alternatives
PollWizard is the first online polling system directly integrated with FrontPage. Now you can create and manage online polls without displaying banner ads and without having to write a single line of code.
Announcement: Office Power! PollWizard will no longer be available as a standalone program is now available only as part of D2Stuff Addon.
EasyT Survey and Assessment latest release version 1.6
Survey and Learning Assessment ON YOUR WEBSITE! Measure user preferences and attitudes to know what your customers think. Test learning effectiveness through online quiz assessment - any time, anywhere via the Internet or your corporate intranet.
easyT Online Subject (Free Trial)
- easyT 2000 for FrontPage 2000/2002
- easyT V1.02 for FrontPage 98
A smart, rapid development tool for teachers and curriculum developers to build online teaching subjects. MS FrontPage add-in.
Tutorials for teachers
In and Out of the Classroom with FrontPage 2000
Creating a Course website
ACT Den tutorial on FrontPage 2000
FrontPage 2000 Lightweight Server Extensions Sample Code (Win)
This download contains a sample implementation of Microsoft FrontPage 2000 lightweight server (LWS) extensions for the Microsoft Windows NT platform. The support module provided is intended to illustrate how a developer would extend the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) Web server to support FrontPage lightweight server and implement custom access control and path translation.
For use with Apache Web servers on the UNIX platform, you can also download FrontPage 2000 Lightweight Server Extension Sample Code (UNIX).
FrontPage 2000 Lightweight Server Extension Sample Code (UNIX)
This download contains a sample implementation of Microsoft FrontPage 2000 lightweight server (LWS) extensions for use with Apache Web servers on the UNIX platform. The support module provided is intended to illustrate how a developer would extend the Apache Web server to support FrontPage lightweight server and implement custom user authentication and path translation.
For use with the Microsoft Windows NT platform, you can also download FrontPage 2000 Lightweight Server Extensions Sample Code (Win).
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Knowledge base Articles!
Q207293 FP2000: Reports View May Not Show Actual Size of Web
Q236856 FP2000: How to Insert Paragraph Tags Before or After Tables
Q235000 FP2000: Regional Separators Prohibit Validation
Q219199 FP2000: How to Set Page Transitions on a Frames Page
Q219723 FP2000: How to Change the Number of Records Returned in the Database Results Wizard
Adding Office Documents to a FrontPage 2000-Based Web
Microsoft Office 2000 makes it easy to incorporate your Office documents into your FrontPage-based web. Simply by saving a document to the Web folder where your FrontPage-based web is stored, you can add the document to your web.
Connecting to a System DSN in FrontPage 2000
Describes what a FrontPage Data Connection is and explains how to set up a System DSN as a FrontPage Data Connection in FrontPage 2000.
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Web Database
Use Visual Basic for Applications Help
FrontPage Features That Require the FrontPage Server Extensions
Some features in FrontPage 2000 require that the FrontPage Server Extensions be installed on the Web server where you publish your FrontPage-based Web site. Read this article to learn more about FrontPage Server Extension requirements.
Optimizing Graphics for Web Sites
Graphics can enliven your FrontPage 98 or FrontPage 2000-based web, but only if they download quickly. This article summarizes ways to make graphics that are big in impact and small in file size.
Setting the Name of a Home Page in FrontPage 2000
Sometimes FrontPage 2000 names your home page Default.htm, but other times FrontPage names your home page Index.htm. Why? What if you want to name your home page something else?
No Icon for Script, Formatting, or Inserted HTML
When you insert an HTML, JavaScript, or Visual Basic Scripting Edition component, or add page elements (such as paragraph or line breaks), you do not see the format marks or placeholder icons that indicate you have inserted these elements on your page.
Send Feedback Form Results to a FrontPage 2000-Generated Database