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FrontPage 2000 FAQs

Q    Where are the Back and Forwards Icons for switching between pages, that were in FP98? Or any other icons that I can't find for that matter?

A    Click on 'View' in the taskbar
Click on 'Toolbars' and 'Customise'
Click on 'View' and scroll down to the bottom
Select back and forward and drag up to the taskbar, let go

Q    Why is there no option in FP2000 for underlining a link?

A    This is from my "FrontPage Newbie Secrets" E-book which you get free when subscribing to the AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine.

Tip 3 - Removing Underlines...

I want to remove underlines from my all my links on one page and I want to remove only certain ones on another page, how do I do this?

NOTE: This technique can only be done in FrontPage 2000 by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) but can be done through FrontPage 98. 

(see for further details)

This script, because it makes use of a style sheet capability, is only viewable in versions 4 and above of both Netscape and Internet Explorer, all other browsers will ignore it.


To remove all underlines from your page, you will need to insert this string of code between the <HEAD> tags of the web page:

NOTE: Copy and paste the code into Notepad FIRST then copy and paste from Notepad to your web page. This removes unwanted formatting.

a {text-decoration: none}

If you don't want to remove all underlined links, but just specific ones on a page. After inserting the above code between your HEAD tags, you can encase the link in question with the following code:

<a href="yourlink.htm"
click here</a>