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Saving excel tables without inline styles to FrontPage

Open excel file in Excel
File | Save As - where it says File as type click the drop down arrow and select CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
Press Save

Then in FrontPage go to File | Import | Add File - browse to the location of the file you just saved and select Press Open then Ok on the Import Dialog box. The file will then appear in FrontPage.

Right click on the file in Folder View and choose Open With | Open with Notepad, if notepad is not available select choose Program and browse to it.

NOTE: Remember to untick Associate files of this type with the selected program. (IMPORTANT)

Press ok and a text file will appear, right click and Select All.

Back to FrontPage open the page you wish the table to appear and right click and press paste.

Select the paste you just made and go to the Table menu - Click Convert Text to Table, the Convert Text To Table Dialog box will appear select commas radio button and press ok.

Your file will now appear in a normal table with no formatting or inline styles

by Tina Clarke copyright 2007