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FrontPage Shopping Carts and Tools


StoreFront 5.0, the fifth generation of LaGarde's market leading e-commerce software product line, offers unparalleled features for easily and effectively building profitable online operations for retailers, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers, professional associations, government institutions and not for profits.


This simple, yet sophisticated series of scripts allow the merchant to easily define what they want to sell, and how they want to deliver the goods:


Download Our Free New FrontPage NetStores E-commerce Toolkit to help you implement our services.


Back in 1995, SalesCart, originated bolt-on ecommerce shopping cart software for Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver that is completely integrated and built into the leading website design tools ushering in a whole new class of software called Design-Tool E-commerce™. Now with ASP, ASP.NET & PHP !More platforms than any other shopping cart !!