Third Party FrontPage Add-on's (for 98 & 2k/02/03)
FrontLook is a set of applet components, themes and clip art for Microsoft FrontPage 98 for use in business and personal web pages.
All Webs Unlimited products are available via immediate, secure download from the internet, using MasterCard, VISA, or American Express. Webs Unlimited offers add-ins for FrontPage 2000. All Webs Unlimited products come with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
FrontPage Tools
FrontPage Tools -- PHP Rocket Add-In for FrontPage, Spooky Login Version 2.5 and FPWScriptor Version 2.0 plus many more.
FrontPage Devices
PageTools Version 2.5 is a set of tools designed to work with Microsoft FrontPage 2000 and Microsoft FrontPage 2002 (formerly XP) and FrontPage 2003. Using these tools, several tedious chores in FrontPage can now be simplified.
StoreFront 5.0, the fifth generation of LaGarde's market leading e-commerce software product line, offers unparalleled features for easily and effectively building profitable online operations for retailers, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers, professional associations, government institutions and not for profits.
This simple, yet sophisticated series of scripts allow the merchant to easily define what they want to sell, and how they want to deliver the goods:
Download Our Free New FrontPage NetStores E-commerce Toolkit to help you implement our services.
Use FrontPage to build professional database-driven web applications in ASP, C#, ColdFusion, JSP, PHP and Perl
Allwebmenus - Menus that can be used in FrontPage on shared borders and include pages.
More Addons
Other Third Party add-ons, plug-ins and VBA scripts are listed here for your perusal.