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FrontPage Themes 2000 - Changing

Change the colours used in a theme
Change the graphics used in a theme
Change a page banner

Change the colours used in a theme:

You can change the colours that are used in a particular theme. For example, active hyperlinks in the Artsy theme are green — you can change this colour to red. You can also change the colours of other page and text elements, such as the colour of body and heading text, banner text, navigation bar labels, table borders, and the background. In addition, each theme has two colour sets — normal and vivid — and you can specify the colours to use for both sets.

When you modify a preset theme, you must save your changes to a new theme: you cannot overwrite a preset theme. For example, if you modify the Artsy theme, save your changes to a new theme called My Theme.

1 On the Format menu, click Theme.

2 In the list, click the theme you want to modify.

3 Click Modify, click Colours, and then click the Custom tab.

4 Under Theme colour set, specify whether you want to change colours in the normal or vivid colour set.

5 In the Item box, click the item for which you want to change the colour, and then in the Colour box, specify the colour you want to use.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each item for which you want to change the colour.

TIP: You can also modify colours by changing the overall colour scheme, rather than by choosing colours for individual elements. Choose a preset colour scheme on the Colour Schemes tab, or create a new colour scheme on the Colour Wheel tab.

6 Click OK.

7 Click Save As.

8 Type a new name for the theme (unless you have modified a custom theme), and then click OK.

9 Apply the new theme to the web or to selected pages.

Change the graphics used in a theme:

You can replace the graphics that are used in a particular theme with graphics of your own. For example, you can replace the background picture used in the Blends theme with a graphic you have created. You can also change other graphical elements, such as the page banner, bullets, navigation buttons, and horizontal line. You can also specify the font to use for those graphical elements that are displayed with text.

In addition, each theme has two sets of graphics — normal and active — and you can specify the graphics to use for either set. Then, when you apply the theme, be sure to select the graphic set that you customized.

When you modify a preset theme, you must save your changes to a new theme; you cannot overwrite a preset theme. For example, if you modify the Blends theme, save your changes to a new theme called My Theme.

1 On the Format menu, click Theme.

2 In the list, click the theme you want to modify.

3 Click Modify, and then click Graphics.

4 Under Theme graphic set, specify whether you want to change graphics in the normal or active set (if Background Picture is selected on the Picture tab, you cannot specify the graphic set to change).

5 On the Picture tab in the Item box, click the graphical element you want to change.

6 Specify the picture or pictures you want to use — depending on the element you selected, one or more options are displayed. For example, for Bullet List, you can specify three different bullets. To find the graphic in the current web or file system, click Browse.
If the graphical element you selected displays text, the options on the Font tab will be available, and you can change the font.

Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 for each graphical element you want to change.

7 Click OK.

8 Click Save As.

9 Type a new name for the theme (unless you have modified a custom theme), and then click OK.

10 Apply the new theme to the web or to selected pages.

Change a page banner:

After you add a page banner to a page, you can change the text that is displayed on it, and you can specify whether to display a graphic or just text.

NOTE: When you change the text displayed on a page banner, the title of the page in Navigation view is also changed.

In Page view, double-click the page banner.
Set the properties for the page banner.

TIP: If the page banner is text only, you can edit it directly on the page.