Tips with Images in Image Composer & FrontPage
Using Print Screen with Image Composer
Offset the text from your image
Make text flow around your image
Get rid of that hyperlink border around your image
Achieve Compression - a matter of percentage
Auto Thumbnail Configuration
Tip 1 Using Print Screen with Image Composer
Using "Alt" and "Print screen" or just "print screen" if you then press "paste" the graphic then appears slightly fuzzy around any text or smaller graphics within it.
Click thumbnail to see a full sized version:
So for graphics to appear clean and without any of those fuzzy wiggly lines that are really annoying.
Click thumbnail to see a full sized version:
Go to your graphic editor. I.E. Image Composer.
Click "Paste special"
Select "Device Independent bitmap", click "ok"
The graphic appears
Select Graphic
Click "File", "Save Selection As"
Under "File name" select the name you want to save the graphic under.
Note: If you wanted the file to be called for instance:
'uk-award-for-uk-educational-webring.jpeg,' this would increase your download time, believe it or not. So do an abbreviation, for instance:
'ukaew.jpeg' For picture quality graphics you should use jpeg, but experiment sometimes the download time CAN be reduced by using GIF, it depends on the graphic.
If you don't want your graphics found easily don't name them with obvious names, always use an alt tag to describe what the graphic is about, you can also use a title tag if you want a further description which can help load the page with relevant keywords.
If you save as jpeg be sure that the compressed box is not ticked, press ok.
(This is important) Go to FrontPage and Click "Insert" and "image" and click on the graphic you want, press "ok"
The graphic that appears should be nice and "clean".
Tip 2 Offset the text from your image
1. Right-click the image.
2. Choose Image Properties from the dialog box that appears.
3. Click the Appearance tab in the Image Properties dialog box.
4. Under Alignment, choose Left or Right.
5. Under both Horizontal Spacing and Vertical Spacing, set the value to 2 (use the up arrows). Note: This gives you a good minimum offset. If you want more white space than that between your text and image, set the value to a bigger number.
6. Click OK to close the Image Properties dialog box.
Your text will now flow around your image with a slight offset.
Tip 3 Make text flow around your image
1. Right-click the image.
2. Choose Image Properties from the menu that appears.
3. Click the Appearance tab in the Image Properties dialog box.
4. Under Alignment, choose Left or Right.
5. Click OK to close the Image Properties dialog box.
If you haven't typed in text already, you can do so now and the text will flow automatically.
Tip 4 Get rid of that hyperlink border around your image
When you hyperlink an image FrontPage will default to placing a one-pixel border around the image, if you don't want this all you have to do to get rid of the border after making the hyperlink is:
1. Right-click the image and choose Image Properties.
2. Click the Appearance tab in the Image Properties dialog box.
3. Under Border Thickness, enter 0.
4. Click OK to close the Image Properties dialog box.
Sometimes though it might be advisable to keep the border if it is not clear that the image is a hyperlink.
Tip 5 Achieve Compression - a matter of percentage
FrontPage is set up by default to further compress inserted images by as much as 75 per cent, and this will degrade the quality of the image once the page is saved. To prevent this you can right-click on the image you just inserted into FrontPage (prior to saving the page) and select Image Properties from the Context menu. Change the JPEG compression setting to 100 per cent, which will prevent FrontPage from compressing the image further.
In FrontPage 2002 when saving the graphic you are presented with a dialog box and there is an options button where you can configure the compression.
Tip 6 Auto Thumbnail Configuration
When you make a thumbnail in FrontPage you set some configurations globally
Note: Setting the properties of thumbnails applies to thumbnails that you will create using Auto Thumbnail, not to thumbnails you have already created.
Set the properties for a thumbnail
Go to Tools | Page Options | Auto Thumbnail | here you can set the size of the thumbnail
Do one or more of the following:
- In the Set list, click the option you want to use for specifying a size, then in the Pixels box, enter the value in pixels.
- Select Border thickness 0 specify a border, and then in the Pixels box, enter the value in pixels.
Click the Beveled edge check box if you want the graphic to be beveled.
If you have also specified a border thickness, the thumbnail will have a beveled edge inside of a border.
- Auto Thumbnail will be unavailable if the graphic you selected is already smaller than a thumbnail, if the graphic has hyperlink or hot spot set for it, or if the graphic is an animation.
- To display the Pictures toolbar, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Pictures.