Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use keyboard shortcuts to work more efficiently in Microsoft Image Composer.
Select all the sprites in a composition CTRL+A
Copy the selected sprites to the Clipboard CTRL+C
Duplicate the selected sprites CTRL+D
Explode the selected group CTRL+E
Flatten the selected sprites CTRL+F
Group the selected sprites CTRL+G
Lock or unlock the position of a sprite CTRL+L
Fill the selected sprites with the current colour CTRL+M
Create a new composition CTRL+N
Open an existing composition CTRL+O
Print the current composition CTRL+P
Save the current composition CTRL+S
Clear the current selection CTRL+T
Ungroup the selected group CTRL+U
Paste a sprite that has been copied or cut CTRL+V
Close the composition CTRL+W
Cut the selected sprites CTRL+X
Reverse the last action CTRL+Z
Quit Microsoft Image Composer ALT+F4
Display the Pan pointer ALT+0
Display the Selection tool ALT+1
Display the Arrange palette ALT+2
Display the Cutout palette ALT+3
Display the Text palette ALT+4
Display the Shapes palette ALT+5
Display the Paint palette ALT+6
Display the Effects palette ALT+7
Display the Texture Transfer palette ALT+8
Display the Zoom pointer ALT+9
Display the Color Tuning palette ALT+EQUAL SIGN (=)
Display the properties of a sprite ALT+ENTER
Display a Help topic or the Help Contents tab F1 or SHIFT+F1
Display or hide a palette F2
Reposition the selection in the center of the active view window F8
Cancel the current operation ESC
Delete the current selection DELETE
Hide selection outline, selection handles, and composition guides SPACEBAR
Select sprites in the order that they appear in the stack TAB
Return the view focus to the composition space HOME
Return the selected sprite to its saved home position CTRL+HOME
Instruct Image Composer to remember the home position of the sprite ALT+HOME
Move the selection one unit to the left LEFT ARROW
Move the selection one larger unit to the left CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move the selection one unit to the right RIGHT ARROW
Move the selection one larger unit to the right CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Move the selection up one unit UP ARROW
Move the selection up one larger unit CTRL+UP ARROW
Move the selection down one unit DOWN ARROW
Move the selection down one larger unit CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Zoom in one level PLUS SIGN (+)
(numeric keypad) PLUS SIGN (+)
Zoom out one level MINUS SIGN (-)
(numeric keypad) MINUS SIGN (-)