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ICYouSee Guide to the World Wide Web
This you must check out!
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The World Wide Consortium
The WWW Consortium, or W3 for short, are basically charged with running the web. They thought of it, developed it and continue to improve and update it on a daily basis. You will find absolutely every recognised rule, piece of code and element of the Web in these many pages.
Web safe Colours
..One of the biggest problems with creating graphics for the web is getting the colours right. There are many colours which won't appear correctly online, so browsers will automatically 'dither' them. This means that when a correct colour cannot be displayed, the browser will attempt to match it by using an accepted colour and spotting it with lighter or darker dots of colour, causing a loss of image quality and clarity. The chart on this web site shows all of the colours (with hex and RGB values) which are 'safe' to use. If you plan on creating your own graphic's, this is a site well worth remembering. There is also a 'chamber of horrors' which shows how awful web sites can look if 'safe' colours are not used.
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