Macintosh FrontPage 1.0 links & FrontPage newsgroups with foreign newsgroups included
Macintosh Section
FrontPage Newsgroups
FrontPage Newsgroups in other languages
Macintosh Section!
FrontPage 1.0 Patch for Mac OS 9
This update resolves issues that can affect FrontPage users who have installed Apple's Mac OS 9 upgrade. It also addresses a problem encountered using FrontPage Wizards. Microsoft recommends that users of FrontPage 1.0 who have upgraded to Mac OS 9 download this update.
Maintaining your website with FrontPage Mac 1.0
self training guide for using FrontPage for MAC's
FrontPage Mac 1.0 Review
by Jeff Brannon
Simple guide for beginners
FrontPage Mac Tutorial
FrontPage for Macintosh 1.0 has been discontinued and there is no longer a news group for it, though you can ask questions on the FrontPage.client newsgroup (listed below). It is no longer for sale however there might be second hand versions available on auction sites like CNet or EBay.
Microsoft® FrontPage® Newsgroups FAQ
FrontPage Client in English
All "in-box" FrontPage feature usability including: Database Results, Compatibility / Dimmed Menu Options, Themes / Shared Borders, Image, Hyperlinks, Publishing Http or FTP, Frames, Discussions, ASP questions relating to FrontPage, basic HTML questions relating to FrontPage, etc.
FrontPage Addins
FrontPage Addins deals with the finding of, use of and support of third party FrontPage addins. This newsgroup is a support newsgroup ONLY for the add-ins posted in the Microsoft FrontPage Add-in Center
You might like to know about accessfp's sister site FrontPage Addons
NT Server Extensions
This newsgroup is to handle FrontPage Server Extensions issues on a Windows Server.
UNIX Server Extensions
This newsgroup is to handle FrontPage Server Extensions issues on a Unix Server.
Microsoft Internet Personal Webserver
This newsgroup is to handle all "out of box" support questions including: VBA COM Add-ins JavaScript (This does not include support for add-ins featured in the add-in center)
SharePoint - custom development
FrontPage Client for Macintosh
Discussions now take place on .client (above) FrontPage for Macintosh is no longer supported or made by Microsoft.
Microsoft FrontPage express newsgroup
Discussions now take place on .client (above) FrontPage Express (FPE) is no longer supported or made by Microsoft, however it is still available elsewhere
FrontPage Newsgroups in other languages!
FrontPage 2002 Client in Japanese
FrontPage Client in South Korea