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FrontPage Resource Links 2 (Categories)

FrontPage Books/ Magazines & author's sites
FPSE, Resource kit, PWS, IIS, Unix & Apache servers
FrontPage Bugs and Errors sites
Database links
FrontPage Specialist links

FrontPage Books/ Magazines & author's sites:

Books by David Karlins
This site is a goldmine with helpful pages of information. You can win books and see free chapters.

FrontPage Overview
by Gayle O'Brien 5 May 1999 by staff writer at webmonkey Tripod

For a FREE issue of Inside Microsoft FrontPage visit
Eli Journals
Each issue of Inside Microsoft FrontPage brings you the very best timesaving tips, techniques, and how-to articles about designing and managing your Web site more effectively and efficiently. Discover the leading resource of in-depth articles and quick tips for Web page creators like yourself! Free issue offer valid in United States only.

FPSE, Resource kit, PWS, IIS, Unix and Apache servers:

FrontPage 98 Apache Patch Source Code
When using the FrontPage 98 Server Extensions for UNIX with the Apache web server, the recommended configuration is to patch the Apache web server. The patch to the Apache web server consists of two modifications

Windows NT FrontPage Sites
Dealing with FrontPage from the Windows NT perspective, take look even if you don't have NT though!

Microsoft FrontPage and IIS Tips 'n Tricks by Brad Berson
Here is a one-page (OK, one long page) of lots of obscure information regarding Microsoft FrontPage, Personal Web Server and Internet Information Server. I've included lots of mostly original code (except for titbits hijacked from the MS documentation) and ask for nothing but a note of recognition if you use it. Most of the tips are from lessons I've learned the hard way, and there's a more few hard knocks listed on the "Reasons to Hate Microsoft" page elsewhere on my web site. Other items are documented but tough to find (like most things on Microsoft's web site and even more so if you choose to use Netscape). Other things still are the stuff that FrontPage should do and doesn't, and Microsoft won't tell you.

FrontPage98 Extensions v3.0 and Apache 1.3+
Tips on FPSE

FrontPage Bugs, Errors & Security Issues sites:

MS FrontPage
A collection of links about the security of FrontPage, if this is an issue for you, keep up to date at this site.

FrontPage Specialist Links:

Webworksite - FrontPage and Flash
Flash and FrontPage for beginners who want to implement Flash on their sites is what this section of is all about. Pay them a visit today you won't be sorry!

A tutorial for using Flash and FrontPage together
This tutorial also works for Swish.

How to Set up Streaming Audio Files Without Using a "Real Server"
Create/digitize your sound file in the software of your choice - Check FP server extensions
This page will allow you to verify whether a particular server has FrontPage Server Extensions installed, as well as determine what web server software is being used. Keep in mind that an ISP/WPP may offer FrontPage extensions but may not have them installed on all servers.

FrontPage Databases

Database Tutorials and Viewlets

Microsoft Database Tutorials - FP2000

Adding Forms and DB Capabilities Based on SharePoint Team Services

ASP/Database examples and HowTo's

FrontPage Database 2000 Tutorial sample