Web Picks
These links are from the AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine. (see what your missing) They will be inserted in the website as time allows. Other links sections such as Free Add-ons and New FP Links will be treated similarly.
Resources for on the job libraries
Tips, Tricks, Troubleshooting & More for Windows, The Internet, Software, & Your PC
Search the web for sounds
Electronic Assistant Lite 4.1
This free program offers a contact manager and organizer, a to-do list, a journal, and an alarm module. But it also allows you to keep track of the finer things in life, such as your tape, CD, book, and CD-R/CD-RW collections. And you'll never have to worry about losing items you loan out, as it even tracks who's borrowed what from your collection
Does your site contain downloads? Perhaps free screensavers or Java applets? Ever wondered just how many people were downloading your creations? Well help is now at hand, and it's all thanks to who offer a flexible and free cut-and-paste script that counts each file downloaded from your pages.
FREE flash Player Plug-in
Macromedia's Flash Player
TaFWeb Whois
Latest Version: 1.1
With the advent of country codes, finding out who owns a particular domain name has become quite tricky. In fact for some countries it's next to impossible. Normally programs such as TaFWeb Whois rely upon a service provided by the various domain name registrars called a "whois" service (hence the name of the software). While this is usually the most efficient way of getting the information, not all country code registrars provide this service. In many cases, however, they do provide a web-based service. TaFWeb Whois is unusual in combining both methods of getting the required information. Where a "whois" server is available it will use it. Where it isn't, and a web-based service is provided, it will use that. TaFWeb Whois is probably the most comprehensive "whois" tool available at present. It can, of course, also handle IP numbers as well as domain names.
The services provided by the country code registrars is changing all the time so TaFWeb Whois is able to update itself automatically from our web site where we will make available any changes which we can find. In this way TaFWeb Whois should remain up-to-date.
Keyword density
High search engine ranking requires your pages to maintain optimum word depth and keyword density. Keyword density is the ratio of a keyword or key phrase to the total words (depth) on a page. Keyword density is a critical aspect of search engine optimisation. To rank highly, your keyword density must not be too high or too low. A density of 1% to 7% is generally considered good.
FREE Spyware scanning and removal tool by LavaSoft.
Basics of HTML+TIME Animation
This article introduces you to the basics of HTML+TIME animation, so that you can create an exciting Web experience for your users. (10 printed pages)
Adding animation to Web pages was one of the great promises of Web-based programming languages like Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) and Microsoft® JScript®. However, unless you were already familiar with programming languages like Visual Basic, C++, or Java, you probably had a steep learning curve ahead of you.
Well, here's some good news-adding animation to a Web page has never been easier. Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 implements the W3C SMIL 2.0 Working Draft animation module through the time2 behaviour of HTML+TIME. This article introduces you to the basics of HTML+TIME animation so that you can create an exciting Web experience for your users.
Jans Freeware Collection
A great collection of Freeware made by Jan himself, if you have a problem he responds right away and is very helpful, I recommend his E-Book Maker as must have.
Want a professional look to your website? Jimstools provide templates with browser compatibility already configured. Why not get your FREE template today?
Screen Size Tester
Check out your site in different screen sizes
Screen Size Tester is just one of the free tools available
Engine View
Link Check
Web Site Viewer
HTML Validation
Listed above are a few more essential site check tools.
eNetBot Introduces POP3 / SMTP agent for AOL Mail. Today it is now possible to send and receive AOL mail using Eudora, Pegasus, Outlook and Netscape mail. try it for free for 30 days. If you like it you can register it for just $19.95 Note: While eNetBot supports CC as well as multiple recipients and all the major features offered by many email clients, it does not support the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) option.
Of course AOL Version 6+ now supports Outlook, but what if you want to keep an earlier version? Now you have a choice.
We all make mistakes in writing the HTML code for our pages, and often the mistakes are simple but difficult to spot. TagCheck checks your code for many of the common errors such as missing end tags, badly nested tags, etc.