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If you have a link for FrontPage and don't see it listed on AccessFP then drop me a line with the url name and a blurb if possible for inclusion into the resource links section thereby helping your fellow FrontPage Crafter.

FrontPage 2000 Tutorial
Learning the basics

FrontPage 2000 Development, tips, tools and tricks. Examples of database and ASP code.

FrontPage Portal
FrontPage Community site

Using the FP Server Extensions with FreeBSD 3.3 & Apache
This HOWTO-like document is an attempt to describe my experiences setting up the FrontPage server extensions on a FreeBSD 3.3 system running the Apache web server. There are a good three or four web sites out there that try to describe this process, but all leave one or two major things out that prevent it from fully working.
Platform: Linux - Console 
Version Number: 1.3.9-3.0 
License: GPL  
Description: Mod_frontpage is a patch to add FrontPage support to apache 1.x.x 

PhotoDraw 2000 Version 1 Tutorial: Creating Banners and Headers 
This illustrated HTML page contains step-by-step instructions on using Microsoft PhotoDraw™ 2000 to design and create images to use as banners and headers for Microsoft Publisher documents, Web pages, or printed pages.

PhotoDraw 2000 Version 1 Idea Book 
Microsoft PhotoDraw (tm) 2000 Idea Book, an illustrated HTML manual that contains step-by-step instructions for using PhotoDraw 2000.

PhotoDraw Newsgroup

PhotoDraw 2000 Version 2
Microsoft PhotoDraw®, including PhotoDraw 2000, has been discontinued. But you can still find detailed product information, downloads, and support options that can help you get the most out of your version of the Office business graphics program.

Microsoft Product Support Services has released ASP Web Wizard 2000 for use with the FrontPage 2000 Web site creation and management tool. This add-in explains the database features of FrontPage 2000, guiding you through topics such as creating databases with forms, setting up database connections using ODBC or ADO, and using forms to post to or retrieve data from a database. 

Did you know that you could safely edit Active Server Pages (ASP) files in the Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Web site creation and management tool? New and improved handling of ASP in FrontPage 2000, combined with a few basic rules for implementing ASP, allows developers to feel comfortable letting users edit pages that include ASP code. This article describes how FrontPage determines whether to display pages containing ASP code in Normal (WYSIWYG--what you see is what you get) View or HTML View, and describes how to create ASP code that allows users to safely edit the Web pages containing the ASP code in Normal View.

Harness the Power of FrontPage 98

FrontPage Programming Newsgroups
FrontPage Programming
FrontPage Programming Addins
FrontPage Programming VBA

Go to (Brainbench home) and click Register for Free Tests on FrontPage. On the Account Registration page, type your first name, last name, and your e-mail address, and choose a password. (You can also decide to make your transcript Public or Private and choose to receive our monthly newsletter, BenchPress). Click the Submit button. 

You now have an online account with Brainbench and access to Free Tests. The next page contains a confirmation of your logon ID and the password you have chosen.

Click Logon to my Account Now. This takes you into the My Brainbench Front Page, which shows your name as you typed it, and your Transcript ID Number, which is important to remember. 

You can now request a FREE test. Once you select a test, the system will assign you a personal identification number (PIN) that you NEED TO WRITE DOWN. This PIN will enable you to take ONE test. If you forget the PIN, you can view your unused PINs on the My Brainbench Front Page, under My Plan. Remember, you can take as many free tests as you wish. You will receive a separate new PIN numbers for each test.

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Website Editor
This site walks you through getting started with FrontPage

How to use Microsoft FrontPage 2000
Quite a few tutorials designed for the novice FrontPage user.

FrontPage Tutorial: Your First Page!
Getting started with FrontPage.

FrontPage tips
Click on FrontPage 98

ehow has the answer, How do you….?

Computer Tutor
Linda not only has some helpful files on FrontPage, she can help you out with other Microsoft products that we use every day and it's full of tips, instructions, and fun stuff to do on your PC, whether in Windows, MS Office, or on the Internet.