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If it's an add-on, plug-in or VBA script, if it's for FrontPage it's listed here. Do you know of a resource or add-on that is not listed? Spread the word and email me with details.

At AccessFP we have links pages for Free and Demo add-ons, themes, Image composer, FPE, general links and Categories for 98/2k/02 and 03 versions.

Total E-Commerce for FrontPage 2000, 2002, 2003

Perform store administration locally or via browser. Visitors can browse your products and services. Enables visitors to select shipping and payment methods.

Automatically calculates invoice amounts and sales taxes. Process payments over a secure server. Excellent for Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 users to build deploy complete E-commerce sites. Includes predesigned On-line and Off-line E-Commerce Stores with built-in Search Engines, On-line Merchant Account enabler, powerful Shopping Cart and automatic Order Processing. 
Fully supports ASP technology. Take Secure Orders On-line.

Two versions are available:

Only For USA, price for Downloadable version $109.95, price for Full Physical version $149.95: Supports USA currency only, and transacts funds through USA gateway with funds deposited in USA banks.

GLOBAL For All International Non-USA, price for Downloadable version $199.95, price for Full Physical version $249.95: Supports over 100 different currencies i.e. French Franc, German Mark, British Pound, and others including the Euro. Has extensive taxation options to accommodate for VAT or other types of tax calculations based on international country regulations. Enables you the merchant, to apply and be set-up for merchant account settlement with destinations being banks in your country. 

FrontPage tool (OfficeSpy)

OfficeSpy provides one click access to virtually all FrontPage Object Model and HTML objects, lets you watch the values of the properties, call functions, monitor events, browse object hierarchy, etc.

Forgot the name of an HTML element property you want to use in JavaScript or VBScript? Just select that object and click on an OfficeSpy toolbar button - OfficeSpy will show you all available properties, functions and events for that element, show all events as they happen and much more.