FrontPage 98 Books
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Title: *Teach Yourself Microsoft
FrontPage 98 in a Week Author: David Karlins, Stephanie Cottrell, Don Doherty Details: Paperback - ISBN: 1575213508 |
Title: *Teach Yourself Microsoft
FrontPage 98 in a Week
Review: "This solid step-by-step tutorial introduces you to Microsoft's Web publishing package. The book is divided into seven lessons (each of which should ideally take a day to complete) that walk you through the fundamentals of FrontPage 98, including the latest features and advanced functions. The guide starts at the very beginning, teaching you how to create a single Web page and then shows you how to use templates, wizards, applets, multimedia files, and both the FrontPage and Internet Information Server (IIS) Web servers."
Title: *
MCSD: Designing and Implementing Web Sites Using Microsoft FrontPage 98
Author: David Karlins Details: Paperback - 512 pages Bk&Cd Rom (Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130141178 |
Title: *MCSD: Designing and Implementing Web Sites Using Microsoft FrontPage 98
Review: "The expert FrontPage certification book- on-target preparation, detailed examples, to-the-point explanations! By the best-selling FrontPage author and nationally-known trainer David Karlins. Covers every FrontPage exam objective, in exceptional depth! Complete learning solution! CBT Systems FrontPage training module on CD-ROM, plus interactive MCSD training Web site, and more! Microsoft's FrontPage 98 exam 70-055 is the #1 elective MCSD exam! If you want to pass it, you'll need to understand FrontPage in exceptional depth -- especially the advanced topics many books skip."
Complete list of Books about FrontPage 98 | Complete list of Books about FrontPage 98 |