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How To - 1

How to: 1     If you want to bookmark within a page. Say you want to make a 'bottom of page' and 'top of page' for example.

1. Write 'Bottom of Page' and highlight.
2. Go to Edit...then Bookmark...the highlighted words 'Bottom of Page' will come up, if you have not highlighted (which saves mistakes) type in what you have written. Press OK.
3. Go to the bottom of the page and write 'Top of Page'
4. follow 1 and 2 for 'Top of Page'.
5.Then whilst 'Top of Page' is still highlighted. Go to Edit and then Hyperlink... then Open pages...then on 'Bottom of Page' and then click OK.
6. Go to 'Bottom of Page' and follow the same but click on 'Top Of Page' ( its reversed you see) then click ok.

This is the way to use this facility in FP98. Easier than typing in a code you forget and might make a mistake with. You can do it with anything you want even a long title.

How to: 2    How to use bookmark the "easy" way!

Select the target text you want to make into a bookmark by right-clicking it. Then drag the text to wherever you want the link created. When you release the mouse button, select Link Here from the pop-up menu. FrontPage will automatically turn your target text into a bookmark and create a link to that bookmark at the location you specified. 

However I found this hard to use and it only seems to work one way so I recommend the other way if you want both top and bottom to work each way.

How to: 3   To create or edit a hyperlink, and select a target frame. (i.e. new window) - For external hyperlinks!

Firstly highlight the URL you want to paste, then cut by clicking the right mouse button and pressing cut.
Then highlight the text you want to select i.e. 'Click Here!'
Click on the icon on the taskbar at the top of the browser or press edit and hyperlink.
If you have cut the section 'http://' already, delete the default setting in the box marked URL.
Then right click and paste the URL you selected before into the URL box.
In the target frame box to the right of the URL box in hyperlink, you have the choice to click on 'new window' etc 'new window' brings up a new window when the link is clicked on. 
You can also make it the default setting for the other hyperlinks on the page.   But I have found it best to just select them individually.
Press okay and then okay again.

How to: 4   To create or edit an internal hyperlink.

Highlight the text you want to select i.e. 'Click Here!'
Click on the icon on the taskbar at the top of the browser or press edit and hyperlink.
Then in the box under name and title click on  the page  you want to select. Then press okay!
With internal hyperlinks it is not a good idea to have a new window pop up.

How to: 5    External links a new way!

But what about external links? While browsing the Web, you may come across a cool site you'd like to link to using FrontPage. Traditionally, this would mean typing in a text description for the link, selecting that text, using the Insert/Hyperlink menu, and typing in the URL.

If you're using Internet Explorer, however, it doesn't have to be so time consuming. You can just click the small IE page icon located in the far left of IE's Address Bar and drag it into the FrontPage Editor. FrontPage will then automatically create a link to that page at that cursor location and use the page's title as the name for the link. (You can also use this trick in Netscape Navigator by dragging the link icon that's to the left of the location box from Navigator to FrontPage.)

Sound simple? It is. And if Internet Explorer fills your entire screen and is on top of the FrontPage Editor, you can drag the page icon onto the Windows taskbar first and hover over the FrontPage Editor symbol until the program is brought to the front. (Unfortunately, this little trick doesn't work with Netscape Navigator.)

How to: 6    How to change the file Location Title (NB: Not the file title)

In FP Editor, click on the hyperlink icon or go to Edit Hyper link. When the box comes up find the file you want.  Select the file left click once, this brings up a thin bordered box around the filename, rename the file to what you what. Then click outside the box. Wait till the hourglass disappears. You have now changed the location title of your page.

How to: 7    No hyperlink decoration.

Open your page in FrontPage Editor. Choose the "HTML" view. Create a new blank line above the "</head>" tag. Insert the code below and "OK" out.

<style><!--a{text-decoration:none;} //--></style>

How to: 8    Text colour change onMouseOver.

Open your page in FrontPage Editor. Choose the "HTML" view. Create a new blank line above the "</head> tag. Insert the code below and "OK" out.

<style><!--a:hover{color:red;} //--></style>

You can change the colour to what you want e.g. Green.

How to: 9    To visit a bookmark

You can visit a bookmark on the current page without creating a hyperlink to it. You can visit a bookmark on another page if there is a hyperlink to that bookmark from the current page.

1    To visit a bookmark on the current page, in the FrontPage Editor’s Edit menu, choose Bookmark.
2    In the Other Bookmarks on this Page field, select the bookmark to visit.
3    Click Goto.
The FrontPage Editor displays the page at the bookmark that you selected.
4    Close the Bookmark dialog box by clicking OK or Cancel.

How to: 10    To visit a bookmark on another page.

In the FrontPage Editor, place the pointer anywhere in a hyperlink to a bookmark and choose Follow Hyperlink on the shortcut menu. (I.E. right click on the mouse button) The FrontPage Editor displays the new page at the bookmark.

How to: 11    To create a text hyperlink from the FrontPage Explorer.

You can create a text hyperlink from an open page in the FrontPage Editor to another page in your FrontPage web using the FrontPage Explorer.

1    In the FrontPage Explorer, in the Folders, All Files, Navigation, or Hyperlinks view, select the page or file to which you want to create a hyperlink by clicking and holding the left mouse button.
2    Drag the page or file from the FrontPage Explorer to the FrontPage Editor.
If the FrontPage Editor is minimised, drag over the FrontPage Editor tile in the Windows task bar, pause for a moment, and the FrontPage Editor will be activated.
3    Move the pointer to the line at which you want to create the hyperlink and release the left mouse button.

FrontPage creates a hyperlink to the page or file.

How to: 12    To delete a text hyperlink.

1    In the FrontPage Editor, place the insertion point on the hyperlink.
To delete part of text hyperlink, select the characters from which you want to delete the hyperlink.
2    On the Edit menu, choose Unlink.
The FrontPage Editor deletes the hyperlink, but not the text associated with the hyperlink.

How to: 13     Add a shared border

1. In FrontPage Explorer, choose Tools + Shared Borders.
2. In the Shared Borders dialog box, click the borders you'd like to have appear on all the pages of your Web. You have four options: Top, Left, Right, and Bottom. (This site has Top, Left and Bottom in use)
3. Click OK.

Whatever you put into a shared border appears on all the pages which have shared borders selected, this is best way to include copyright notices,

How to: 14    Make a page within the site appear without shared borders

1. Open the page in question in FrontPage Editor.
2. Choose Tools + Shared Borders. A Page Borders dialog box, which looks very similar to the Shared Borders dialog box, appears.
3. Choose the option Set for This Page Only.
4. Select the borders you want on this page and click OK when you're done.

Keep in mind that whatever you put in the border of one page appears on every other page that shares that border--making shared borders a particularly handy way to add copyright notices, tables of contents, images, and so on, to each page of your site.

How to: 15    Make a Table of Contents

1. From the FrontPage Editor, choose File + New. In the New dialog box, click OK.
2. Choose Insert + Table of Contents. The Table of Contents Properties dialog box appears.
3. In the Page URL for Starting Point text box, enter the name of your page (usually the home page) that provides the links for your table of contents (alternatively, click Browse, navigate to the page, and select it). Click OK.
4. If you want the table of contents to be updated any time you edit a page in your Web, select the option Recompute Table of Contents When Any Other Page Is Edited.
5. Click OK to close the Table of Contents Properties dialog box.
6. Save the page (choose File + Save, name the page, and click OK).

When you have finished it you won't see the list of contents, you have to preview it to see it, as it is a Java Applet.

How to: 16    Preview your site

1. Choose File + Preview in Browser.
2. In the Preview in Browser dialog box, click Preview.

When the page loads in the browser, you see a listing of each page that's linked from your home page.

How to: 17    Refreshing your site

Make sure you're previewing the current page

Many newbies and sometimes old hands at FrontPage become frustrated when they make changes to a page only to discover that the changes don't show up in the browser. The reason? The browser is serving up the copy of the page it previously cached, not the copy you've just saved.

To solve this problem, try one of these solutions:

Sometimes, you won't be able to tell whether the most recent copy is being displayed. For example, if you make changes in the Form Properties dialog box, those changes won't be evident in the browser. By adding a descriptive message to the page itself--something like "Revised 10:33 a.m."--you'll always know which version of the page the browser is displaying. Once the page is working, you can remove your note to yourself.

How to: 18    Insert a search form into an existing page from your web:

1. In FrontPage Explorer, Make a new page called Search
2. In FP Editor Click Insert + Active Elements + Search Form. The Search Form Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click OK.
4. Save your page

There is now a text box where users can type keywords they're looking for. When they hit the Submit button, the results appear at the bottom of your page.

How to: 19     Change the way the results appear.

1. Place your mouse pointer over the search form. A little robot icon appears.
2. Right-click the form and choose FrontPage Component Properties from the menu. The Search Form Properties dialog box launches.
3. Click the Search Results tab. Under Search Results are three checkboxes: Score, File Date, and File Size.
4. Indicate what you want to appear in the search results:

Click the Score checkbox, to display a relevancy score (an estimation of how likely the hit returned is what you're looking for).
To display the date a found file was last modified, click File Date.
To show the size of found files, click File Size (in K bytes).
5. Click OK to close the Search Form Properties dialog box.
6. Save your page.

How to: 20    To change the label follow the directions below: (By default, the label "Search for:" appears before your text box.)

1. Place your mouse pointer over the search form. A little robot icon appears.
2. Right-click the form and choose FrontPage Component Properties from the menu. The Search Form Properties dialog box opens.
3. In the Label For Input text box, the current text is already highlighted. To replace the text with whatever you want (for example, "Searches by Tina"), just start typing.
4. Click OK to close the Search Form Properties dialog box.
5. Save your page

Using the same procedure, you can change the labels of the Start Search button and the Reset button. These buttons are also found in the Search Form Properties dialog box.

FrontPage search lets you change the criteria, If you type AND between two keywords, this indicates that you want the search to look for pages in your web that include both keywords. If you type OR between keywords this lets you find one or the other on your pages. If you Type NOT between two keywords this sends the engine looking for the first word but excluding the pages that follow the keyword after NOT.

How to: 21    Add a date stamp

1. Put the cursor in the place you want the date stamp within your page.  The best place is the bottom of the page.
2. Choose Insert + Timestamp. The Timestamp Properties dialog box pops up.
3. Under Display, select Date This Page Was Last Edited.
4. From the Date Format drop-down list, select how you want the date to appear.
5. Click OK.

The date stamp then pops up though you might not see the updated date stamp unless you preview the page in your browser.

How to: 22    Add the current date

1. Place the cursor where you want the date to appear.
2. Choose Insert + Advanced + Script. A Script box appear on-screen.
3. Under language, make sure that VBScript is selected. Put the cursor in the Script box and type in:
document.write date

If you wish to display the time also, you can type in:
document.write time

4. Click OK.

You have to save your page and then preview it in your browser.