MORE Free FrontPage trial's or demo's, for versions 98/2k/02
If it's Free, a trial or demo, if it's for FrontPage it's listed here. Do you know of a resource or trail/demo that is not listed? Spread the word and email me with details.
FrontPage PayPal Purchase Button Wizard
The FrontPage PayPal Purchase Button Wizard is the quickest and easiest way to add eCommerce to your business web site. Easily create payment buttons and basic shopping cart functionality for your web site.
Create payment buttons and shopping cart functionality in under an hour, and start accepting credit cards online with PayPal immediately. Over two million businesses trust PayPal to deliver easy, secure, affordable payment processing.
The toolkit includes the following objects:
The Single Item Purchase object is a wizard that allows you to create a payment button for your product or service. You can place the payment button on a website, and immediately customers can pay you with any major credit card.
The Add to Cart and View Cart objects are wizards that allow you to add shopping cart functionality to your website. Customers can select items to purchase, and then check out and pay for purchases with a credit card. Advanced web developers can also add to and extend toolkit functionality by using PayPal payment APIs. For more information about developing with PayPal, visit the PayPal Developer Network (PDN)
- Paypal setup is free, and there are no monthly fees. You pay only a small transaction fee when a purchase occurs, as low as 2.2% + $.30 per transaction (check PayPal site for current fee schedule). PayPal provides increased protection for online merchants via its built-in fraud prevention system. PayPal standard services include instant availability of funds, a scalable and proven payments platform, 24/7 customer service via email, and extended business hour telephone customer service.
WebDrive 6.06
A fully functional 20-day trial version of WebDrive 5.1 is available.
WebDrive integrates a web or FTP server into the Windows desktop by mapping a network drive letter to it. This allows you to manipulate files on your remote server as if they were on a local hard disk. For example you can edit files using your favorite editor directly on your site, or use the Windows explorer or DOS prompt to copy/move files. WebDrive instantly Internet enables any Windows application,
WebDrive can connect to FTP, Microsoft FrontPage, or WebDAV servers.
Stream Anywhere 1.c
Stream Anywhere is the all-in-one software solution for developing high-impact streaming media for the Internet. Casual web publishers and professional web developers alike will appreciate Stream Anywhere's wealth of features. Stream Anywhere helps you develop dynamic multimedia presentations that integrate easily into any web site or export directly into Microsoft FrontPage projects.
Import or capture video files, then use the visual timeline interface to trim the clip and add fade-ins and fade-outs to the audio and video. Bring out the best in your streaming program with specially designed advanced tools that prepare the content for an optimum playback experience as a web video. Add interactivity with commands and markers that synchronize other web events as your streaming media plays back. Overlay your logo as an image watermark. Encode your project to multiple web streaming formats and bit rates in a single operation to maximize your audience's viewing potential. Stream Anywhere is the only tool you'll need to create quality streaming content.
Please note: In order to use Stream Anywhere, you must install the latest Windows Media Player, version 6.4. You can download version 6.4 of the Windows Media Player from the link below.
Auscomp eNavigator Suiteite - V.7.5 new
There is a FREE Version and Pro versions plus FREE add-ons and this application is compatible with FrontPage.
Special price $59.95
If your Internet, Intranet or Extranet site has many pages, the Auscomp eNavigator Suite provides a Control Centre for content management, news and search. It lets you build fully customized content and site navigation management systems in seven styles and four different technologies for compatibility with almost any site. Just choose the style and technology you want and click on the Site Indexer. The index is automatically transferred to the WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) Command Centre, where you can preview and edit your creation on the fly.
News, navigation and security are further enhanced by the 'Real Time' News, instant response "Atomic" Site and 'Surf Smart' Internet search, and the multi-level Password Protection features. WinHTML help files can also be imported and automatically converted for a cross platform environment. There are also several free ready-made themes, "Add-On Packs", backgrounds, sound files and icons (some 3D) to select from.
The navigation styles include Drop Down Boxes, Site Map, Start Button Menu, Tree View, Tabs only, Trees only, or a combination of both Tabs & Trees together. The technologies available include Java Applets, JavaScript, Pure HTML and DHTML.
Existing registered customers of purchased products receive a 35% discount on version upgrades, and the price difference between the two versions for license cross-grades.
Other free software products from Auscomp - WorldWide include:
1. Free Add-On Packs (x 3)
2. 4004 Background Images & Sounds
3. 1st Theme Factory for FrontPage - Series 1 (x 10 themes)
4. 1st Theme Factory for FrontPage - Sports (x 10 themes)
5. 1st Theme Factory for FrontPage - Entertainment (x 5 themes)
6. Free Sound Effect Studio
7. Free 3D Icon Library
The Buster Group ActiveCalendar 2000 new
ActiveCalendar is an Outlook-style drop-down calendar control. The control can be bound in custom form fields in either Microsoft Access or Microsoft Outlook®, or implemented in a Microsoft FrontPage®-based web to provide convenient input of dates. It may also be used in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
There is a trial and full version available. Price per developer or server - not per user! "Royalty-Free" Distribution
CartIT 8.0 Shopping Cart (FREE)
As of early this year CartIT is now a f ree product, this cart used to be a professional level e-commerce package that once sold for $349.95, available since 1996. The CartIT Corporation is now a consulting and custom software devleopment company and instead of closing their 'baby' down they decided to make it into a free product, not only that there will be free upgrades along the way. They also have a f ree FP plugin CommerceMonkey 3.0 which adds a new menu to the FrontPage Editor environment. It is a client side development tool. All you need to do is download and install the program on your local computer. It will also assist in designing catalog pages for the CartIt Commerce System.