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FrontPage 2000 Tips - 2

TIP 1: Simply the way

There is a simple way to create bookmarks and named anchors - simply select the text you wish to transform into a bookmark, then holding down the RIGHT mouse button, drag it to wherever you want the link generated. Then, when released, select 'Link Here' from the pop-up menu. Other choices on the menu are 'move here' 'copy here' and cancel.

TIP 2: Altering the image sizes

If you simply resize images, FrontPage does not alter the file size. To make the file smaller too, you should select the 'Resample' icon in the Image toolbar after you have resized it.

TIP 3: Compatibility

If you find an icon to be greyed out its 'usually' because of the way the settings for compatibility are configured, to make sure this is not the problem do the following.

Go to Tools | Page Options | Compatibility Tab | set all boxes to custom and tick everything click ok and say yes when it asks to refresh your web.

TIP 4: Editing a Shared Border

At some point you may want to access the html of a shared border, in order to do this the first time, do the following:

First make sure you have the hidden folders box ticked.

Tools | Web settings | Advanced Tab | Make sure the 'Show documents in hidden directories' box is ticked. Press ok.
You will be asked to refresh the web.

Go to the Folders View and you will see a folder called _borders double click to open and then you can click on the borders .htm files that you have in your web. There will be the border pages that you have enabled on your web through Format | shared borders so if you only enabled the left border the left.htm file will only be available to bring up.
You can then edit like a normal page. If you want the others to be available you must enable them through Format | Shared Border and ticking the appropriate pages, then press ok. You must then save a page in your site that has them enabled and refresh the web to bring them up.

TIP 5: Recalculate hyperlinks

After editing your web, and before publishing ALWAYS go to Tools | Recalculate Hyperlinks, when asked to refresh say yes. Why? Your FrontPage TOC (Table of Contents) and Search Bots need this to happen in order to note new links and delete references to deleted files. It also helps with publishing your site, as FrontPage does not have any conflicts to resolve and so takes less time to publish.
Once a week open up the web live on the server and recalculate hyperlinks there as well.

TIP 6: Getting rid of unwanted Graphics

Go to 'Hyperlinks View' if 'Folder List' is not open go to 'View' and click the 'Folder List' icon.

Note: All graphics should be saved in the Images folder.

Double click the Images folder to open it and start with the first graphic select it and on the right you will see either blue lines leading from the graphic or none at all. If it has blue lines then it's linked to something on your website if there are none then it's truly an orphan graphic and not being used.

If you want to save the graphics for use at a later time just open up another instance of FrontPage and drag the file over the icon of the other FrontPage application in the status bar at the bottom of your screen, it will open up and you can just drop it into a website you made earlier I do this and call mine storehouse. You then need to delete the graphic in the web your checking. You can check if it's a graphic you want to keep by double clicking the graphic in the right hand pane and your image editor should bring up the graphic for your preview.

If you don't want to keep it just right click and choose delete.

Work your way down the list of graphics. When you have finished go to Tools | Recalculate Hyperlinks as your web needs to know where everything is now.

TIP 7: Drag that link

A quick way to insert a link into FrontPage is to position your cursor over the Internet explorer icon in the address bar and drag the icon using either your left or right mouse button and hover over your FrontPage Application Icon in the status bar of your monitor, after a few seconds FrontPage will pop up and you can then release the link, using the right mouse button a dialog box will pop up asking you to 'Create Hyperlink'. Using the left button just deposit it. The link is then created and the text is used from the title of the page you dragged the hyperlink from.

TIP 8: End it!

Position your cursor at the text you want to highlight Press SHIFT and END then the text is highlighted. Plus if you continue to press shift and press the down arrow key subsequent text is also highlighted.

TIP 9: Spaced out!

We know that to obtain single spacing while writing content one presses enter while holding down the shift key (Shift + Enter) However what happens if you want to reformat text already written?

1) Highlight what you want to become single-spaced or click 'Select All' from the 'Edit' menu if you want the entire document to be that way.
2) Click on 'Format', then 'Paragraph'
3) Change the Spacing 'Before' and Spacing 'After' to zeros.
4) Click on 'Line Spacing', then 'Single'.
5) Click OK. To make this work you must make the spacing before and after a zero you can also make it a 1, which will bring it slightly further apart.

TIP 10: Missing your Menu Bar?

Close down FrontPage. Search your hard drive for the file cmdUI.prf when you find it, delete it and then bring FrontPage 2000/02 all should then be well.

TIP 11: You may need to spell check a page in another language how do you do that?

Right click on a page and select 'Page Properties'.
Go to the 'Language' tab and select the language of your choice from the 'Mark Current Document As' dropdown list. This informs FP which language you have selected for example German.

Now when you spell check by Tools | Spelling, FP will then prompt you to install the German proofing tools. For this you will need your CD, once this has been installed it will spell check the document against the German dictionary.

TIP 12: Keeping your code clean

If you want to make sure your code is not changed in any way the best way to 'keep' your code is to use the html markup box. - Usually used for scripts

FrontPage 2000 - Insert Menu | Advanced | Html.

First position your cursor where you want it to appear in normal view. Next insert your script or code that you don't wish to be changed into the box that pops up and press OK.

When you have done this unless you have the 'show/hide' icon (shaped like a P - to make it appear press the icon or use the keyboard. Control + Shift + *) depressed you won't see the little yellow markers. (Small yellow box with <?> written on them). To access the code again just double click this box and the mark-up box will pop open and you can edit the code. Using the 'show/hide' icon will also show you paragraph marks and other formatting marks (similar
to F12 in WordPerfect)

TIP 13 What's in a rename?

If, for any reason, you need to change the name of a file or folder on your Web site, FrontPage will automatically update all the file's associated hyperlinks. You can rename a file in several ways, but it's easiest to follow these steps:

1. In the Folders, All Files, or Navigation View, click the filename to select it and then right click and choose 'rename'.

A box appears around the filename, and the filename is highlighted.

2. Type a new name.

Make sure to keep the same three-letter extension so that the Explorer knows what kind of file you're renaming, though you can change this as well, make sure it is one that FrontPage supports. E.g. .htm .asp etc.

3. Click slightly away from the box. If the file contains associated links, the 'Rename' dialog box appears, asking if you'd like to update the links to reflect the new name.

4. Click Yes.

The dialog box will close and FrontPage automatically updates the links

TIP 14: How to check your backgrounds are configured and how to configure them.

In Internet Explorer go to.

Tools | Internet Options | Colors | Untick the Use windows colours and choose a colour for the background that no one would use like spruce pink click ok twice and refresh the page to your site you will see what I mean. I use this method to check my own pages you would be surprised at how many 'big' sites don't have theirs configured try looking at

To configure your background in FrontPage.

Right click on the background of a page
Choose Page properties
Go to the background tab
Go to 'Colour's' | 'background' and choose your background colour
While you are there change the hyperlink colours from automatic as well to the colour of your choice and the text too. Press Ok.
Remember to use the same link colours throughout your site so you won't confuse visitors.