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The FrontPage Editor

The Microsoft FrontPage Editor is a tool for creating, designing, and editing World Wide Web pages. As you add text, images, tables, form fields, and other elements to your page, the FrontPage Editor displays them as they would appear in a Web browser.

You do not need to learn HTML to use the FrontPage Editor because it creates all the HTML code for you. The FrontPage Editor generates all the popular HTML tags, including extensions such as cascading style sheets, frames, and ActiveX Controls.

If you want to edit the HTML code directly, you can use the FrontPage Editor’s HTML view. In this view, you can enter text, edit HTML tags, and use standard word-processing commands such as cutting, pasting, and find and replace.
Although it is a powerful tool, the FrontPage Editor is easy to use because of its familiar, word-processor interface.
Here are some of the key features of the FrontPage Editor: