Meta Tags Tutorial
How to insert Meta tags in FrontPage
An explanation of the Custom Page Properties Dialog Box
Tags to use
A Meta tag bug
Meta Tag links
How search engines check your site
How to insert Meta tags in FrontPage:
Invariably...tag you're it!
To insert Meta tags right click on a page, click on 'Page Properties.'
Click on the 'Custom' Tag and go to 'User Variables'.
Click on Add and insert in the 'user variable box'
Under Name for example you would
Under 'Value' you would put...content="Who made this page?
Click ok
An explanation of the Custom Page Properties Dialog Box:
The Custom tab displays Meta Tags (system variables and user-defined variables) that are associated with the active page.
Dialog Box Options
System Variables (HTTP-EQUIV)
This section lists the Meta tags that use the HTTP-EQUIV attribute as the name portion of their name-value pairs. These Meta tags supply special instructions to a Web browser, such as an expiration date or a display-refresh value.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">
Name = The name of the Meta tag.
Value = The value to associate with the tag.
Add = Click Add to add a new Meta tag.
Modify = Click Modify to modify the currently selected Meta tag.
Remove = Click Remove to remove the currently selected Meta tag.
User Variables = This section lists user-defined Meta tags.
Name = The name of the Meta tag.
Value = The value associated with the tag.
Add= Click Add to add a new Meta tag.
Modify = Click Modify to modify the currently selected Meta tag.
Remove = Click Remove to remove the currently selected Meta tag.
FrontPage 98 moves the Title tag below the Meta tags when you use certain wizards and templates. This can cause your page to rank lower on some search engines. Your Title tag should appear before your Meta tag.
MS Articles/q182/6/15 MS Articles/q182/8/05
For the people who like an easy life click below (It's FREE)
MetaData Editor version 1.3 for Microsoft FrontPage
This small application can be used to quickly edit MetaData in Microsoft FrontPage created web pages. Once installed it can be accessed by using the MetaData command from the FrontPage Editor Edit menu. The program allows you to edit the following four commonly used Meta tags: Author, Reply-to, Description and Keywords. Additionally, it also allows you to edit the Robots Meta tag, and add the Refresh tag which allows you to specify that the web page automatically loads another web page after a certain amount of time.
Tags to use:
* You really should include these tags even if you don't use the others
* <title>The name of your site</title>
<title>Access FP - FrontPage Resource Centre</title>
* <meta name="description" content="What is this page about?">
<meta name="description" content="FrontPage Resource Centre for 97, 98, 2000 and FrontPage Express. The biggest collection of links. Tips, how to's and tutorials galore! Discussion Forum, Ezine, list and webring all a FREE user, FrontPage resource on the WWW.">
* <meta name="keywords" content="What, words, describe, this, page?">
<meta name="keywords" content="Microsoft FrontPage 98, webmaster resources, Discussion forum, fronpage, message board, bbs, 98, 2000, FPE, FrontPage Express, tips, how to's, tutorials, help, Add-in's, Third party applications, MS FP98, frontpage, publishing, David Karlins books, FP, Frontpage, download, themes, Image Composer, Gif Animator, Lockergnome subcriber, FPToday, webring, FAQ, Tina Clarke">
<meta name="author" content="Who made this page?">
<meta name="author" content="Tina Clarke">
<meta name="language" content="version of language and the country">
<meta name="language" content="en-uk">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="10"> This tells the search engine to come back again and re-index your site every 10 days using this example.
<meta name="revisit-after" content="10">
<meta name="owner" content="Who owns this page?">
<meta name="owner" content="Tina Clarke">
<meta name="copyright" content="When did you make this page? and the name of webmaster">
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright© 1999 - 2001 Tina Clarke">
<meta name="contact_addr" content="">
<meta name="contact_addr" content="">
<meta name="rating" content="which audience is this website for?">
<meta name="rating" content="general">
<meta name="robots" content="you want all robots to spider you site don't you?">
<meta name="robots" content="all">
<meta name="distribution" content="you want the site distributed everywhere don't you?">
<meta name="distribution" content="global">
<meta name="classification" content="what kind of directory heading does this come under?">
<meta name="classification" content="Web Master Resources">
<meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="">
<meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="">
If anyone knows of any more tags and their explanations please email me!
Meta Tag links:
Using the meta element with web spiders, robots
Meta tags - what, where, when, why?
Help4Web - meta tag links
A Meta tag bug:
Microsoft reported a minor bug that causes the <title> tag to appear after any Meta tags in some FrontPage Webs. Specifically, these wizards and templates cause the problem: Homepage Template, Personal Web, Corporate Presence Web, and Tutorial Web. The bug can cause search engines to rate your pages lower because they expect to find the <title> tag near the beginning of HTML documents. To work around this problem, you can edit the HTML and move the <title> tag above the Meta tags. However, you may discover that when you re-edit your pages, the tags will be reversed again.
How search engines check your site:
"ALTAVISTA uses the Meta Tags in your web page to index your listing in their database. No Meta Tags? Forget a good result with Alta Vista!
EXCITE creates summaries from the actual text content of your pages. Use what we call "keyword rich" text at the top of your page.
HOTBOT uses a spider to read through sites and list them using something they call Intomi search and retrieval technology. Don't even ASK me what that means! Your site may already be listed with them. You can find out quickly enough.
INFOSEEK uses the TITLE tags and the first 200 words after the BODY tag within your HTML code. Make these first 200 words POWERFUL and as descriptive about your site as you possibly can.
LOOKSMART has a new system based on JAVA that is very effective. My suggestion is that you get to their site, asap. You have to select categories, and sub-categories, but this is a GREAT Search tool and will benefit you to be listed, there."