FrontPage Training - Classes
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FrontPage Secrets
If you want to make your FrontPage Web site look like a million bucks, contain all the special effects others are pays tens of thousands of dollars for, integrate e-commerce and banner advertising, find others to sell your product for you and actually accomplish the challenge of doing business on the Internet without having to worry about server reliability problems and without having to learn a single line of programming, then Sign up for your FrontPage Secrets Online Course today. Not only that look at the below bonus package that comes with it.
Bonus Package
4 full screen videos of Paul showing you some of his best FrontPage tricks. I made Paul site down in front of a program that records the computer screen and show the audience how to Create High Response Banner Ads with FrontPage, How To Take Credit Cards at Your FrontPage Web Site in Less than 5 Minutes, How to Pick the Perfect Domain Name and The Secrets of the Timed Includes. You will be able to download these videos and watch them as many times as you want. These videos will be delivered fourteen days after you purchase FrontPage Secrets.
3 Special Reports
- Special Report #1 - How to Start an INSTANT Web Development Business for Less Than $200. Once you learn these secrets, the next obvious step is starting your own Web design business. Here is a step by step recipe for how you can do it. Haven't you always wanted to start your own business?
- Special Report #2 - 15 minutes to a $15 domain name, Web host, and Yearly Hosting Contract. Yes, you read that right. Report shows you how to spend $15 and find a great domain and Web hosting for a year. This report alone will more than pay for this course.
- Special Report #3 - The Ten Essential Sites for the FrontPage User. You don’t have the time to search through the link lists – you are too busy. This simple password-protected Web site (we’ll send you the password) lists only the ten essential sites for the FrontPage user so that you can get your work done. The public doesn’t have access to this one. It is constantly updated at the market changes. How much is your time worth?
2 Special Subscriptions:
- 1 Year Subscription to the Just the FrontPage Facts Monthly Newsletter. New sites and new companies related to FrontPage pop up all the time. You can’t find this information anywhere else condensed so perfectly as in this monthly update. Go ahead, look, you won’t find this newsletter anywhere else online.
- Free 1 Month Subscription to the Internet Marketing Center's Secrets to Their Success. This very popular members-only Web site runs $17 per month with the best coupons and we'll give provide you with your first month for free.