Link Information for AccessFP Site, AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine, AccessFP Journal & FrontPage list
AccessFP - FrontPage Resource Centre
If you wish to link to AccessFP I prefer a text link. This is because any logos I have had I have changed from time to time and it becomes a nuisance to find everyone that links and ask them to change. The second reason is I am a strong believer in cutting downloads wherever possible and this is one of those times.
Please link in the following manner.
AccessFP - FrontPage Resource Centre
FrontPage Tutorials, Tips, Ezines and FrontPage Addons for FrontPage 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 and FrontPage Express - FPE
If you would like to link to AccessFP with a text link you may insert the code below into your site. Then select all the code in the form box and right click and select copy then go to your html view and place the cursor where you want the code to appear, right click and select paste.
I am based in the UK and as such yes I have spelt Centre correctly!;)
However if you really want a banner or button you can use the one below.
If you would like to link to AccessFP you may insert the code below into your site. Choose either the button or banner, then select all the code in the form box and right click and select copy then go to your html view and place the cursor where you want the code to appear, right click and select paste.
AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine Subscribe Box
If you would like to link to AnyFrontPage Bytes you may insert the code below into your site. First select all the code and right click and select copy then go to your html view and place the cursor where you want the code to appear, right click and select paste. The box should look like the one below in preview View.
Just click inside the box and right click, select 'Select All' and then right click again and press 'Copy' insert the text into windows notepad before you insert it into your html view to stop other formatting creeping in.
NOTE: If you are comfortable with tweaking the look of the box by changing colours and size to fit in with your site please by all means do so.
FrontPage List Subscribe Box
If you would like to link to the frontpage List you may insert the code below into your site. First select all the code and right click and select copy then go to your html view and place the cursor where you want the code to appear, right click and select paste. The box should look like the one below in preview View.
Just click inside the box and right click, select 'Select All' and then right click again and press 'Copy' insert the text into windows notepad before you insert it into your html view to stop other formatting creeping in.
NOTE: If you are comfortable with tweaking the look of the box by changing colours and size to fit in with your site please by all means do so.
Join FrontPage LIST |
AccessFP Journal Subscribe Box
If you would like to link to AccessFP Journal you may insert the code below into your site. First select all the code and right click and select copy then go to your html view and place the cursor where you want the code to appear, right click and select paste. The box should look like the one below in preview View. Just click inside the box and right click, select 'Select All' and then right click again and press 'Copy' insert the text into windows notepad before you insert it into your html view to stop other formatting creeping in.
NOTE: If you are comfortable with tweaking the look of the box by changing colours and size to fit in with your site please by all means do so.
AccessFP Journal |