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Welcome to  Talkback at Access FP - FrontPage Resource Centre

Where my aim is to provide resources for the FrontPage Web Crafter. Encompassing a repository of links, tutorials, how-to's, tip's and information, on the FrontPage versions of 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 and FrontPage Express. Web resources in general are also covered at this site. If you have anything you want a tutorial making for please feel free to ask.

Hello there,

Well as you know AccessFP has had a through revamp, opinions and suggestions on the new look, design navigation and new content are welcome good or bad.

This is site is written by an amateur not by a professional I have no training for the web, though I do have some qualifications in IT, namely GNVQ, NVQ, RSA and C&G's, gained over the last seven years. However I did take a Web Design course which used FrontPage Also I completed a short eight week course in PhotoShop.

Late 2003 Microsoft awarded me MVP - FrontPage status, I'm still in shock. Yet again I've just been awarded MVP status for a second year. Nice one.

So if this site does not appear to be set out in a logical manner or instructions appear simplistic or indeed sound like gobblygook it's because I am an amateur, so in that regard don't hesitant to let me know if things can be set out in a better way, as I said above I need all the help I can get.<G>

About Me: My name is Tina Clarke I live in the UK and I am a housewife, married with four children and a love of research and 'putting things together'. I started this site as an offshoot from an educational site. From the beginning, when I first wanted to make a site, the idea was to have a resource of information which I could come and easily access for myself. After starting the FrontPage section because I was learning to use FP, I continued to expand it and it grew into what you see today. I share it with you freely and welcome your ideas and opinions. That is why the site is called AccessFP - FrontPage Resource Centre!

I started a new site called which is of course all about addins as you probably guessed I really like them.

Site Promises and Information:

This site is a Free User Resource on the WWW and will continue to remain so.

Sponsors: If an advert does not have anything to do with FrontPage or web crafting in some way it will not appear on this website. However in order to keep this resource free and continuing to expand and grow, please visit the sponsors that you see about the site, though you are not under obligation to do so.

Firstly I hope this site has proved useful?  Well if it has let me know, I will respond right back I promise. You can Contact: or use the feedback form. 

If you have any knowledge in topics such as website design, FrontPage® 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 1.0 MAC, FrontPage® Express or Themes, Image Composer, PhotoDraw, GIF Animator  or Add-ons etc, and would like to share your knowledge with others you can write a Guest Article or Tip for this resource site ~ all kudos to you.

If you are interested please send e-mail to:

Each article published includes information about the author and a link(s) and 'blurb' to their site(s).

Future happenings:

The Image Composer section is currently under beta and you may find things not all as they should be. However, this section is still accessible and can be of use, please check it out. This is a big project and will be done slowly. This is possible in part thanks to Robert Crooks who has kindly let me use his format on Image Composer 1.0. The Image Composer section on AccessFP deals with version 1.5 and is considerably expanded, Robert's format helps a great deal however.

AccessFP now has a List, (for all versions) where you can ask questions and help others.

The Discussion Forum is now available at AccessFP's Partner site.

What used to be the AccessFP Ezine is now AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine which I now solely own.

I decided to split my efforts between a few different sites and so I now have:-

FrontPage Addons

FrontPage Blog

FrontPage Advice Blog

FrontPage Ebooks

FrontPage Tips

Well this page might change from time to time as I think of things to say or people to mention in particular.

So why not pop in and say hello?

Regards to all


*A favourite saying by my favourite author!*

"Logic is a feeble reed, friend. "Logic" proved that aeroplanes can't fly and that H-bombs don't work and that stones don't fall out of the sky. Logic is a way of saying that anything which didn't happen yesterday won't happen tomorrow." -- R.A. Heinlein, 'Glory Road'