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Tutorial 2 - How to use Collapsible Outlines

I am now using FrontPage 2000, I made some changes to this page and saved it in FrontPage 2000. Unfortunately FP2k overwrites this particular code because in FP2k you can make a list automatically with the click of a button.  The only way I could get the FP98 code to work in FP2k is to put the html in HTML Markup which does not overwrite the code (i.e. check it). This means you cannot see the graphics of the list.  However rest assured the Tutorial DOES work.  So if anyone has upgraded and intends to change a list you will have to redo it in FP2000, here of course the list is for people using FP98.  

You can see the see the list working properly at: as I uploaded that site via FP98.