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Access FP - What's New Archive

August 2005

Once again the site has had a radical change. Though it might not look to much different but under hood it's much much better. Now the site has a proper CSS sheet and the template is a DWT Template. I've incorporated H1 and H2 tags and will start work on the SEO soon. The look of the template is much lighter as well. I hope everyone is happy with it.

June 2002

The whole site has under gone some radical changes. This time not only has the template changed so has navigation and I hope this navigation is more workable. The layout has been changed and pages deleted or added.

I am still not happy with the template and hopefully in about six months I shall change the template again but the navigation and probably the layout will be staying.

Most of the content has been updated and revamped and of course added to.

Let me know what you think about the changes especially any problems you encounter with finding pages via the Navigation or browser viewing problems with the template. Also anything you wish to comment about on the content.

If you wish to be kept abreast of changes along with other goodies subscribe to the AccessFP Journal you can see on your right.

Thank you

Tina Clarke