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Cutout Palette Features - Stencil

Create a complementary shape of a sprite
How to vary the results

Stencil creates a reverse copy of the selected sprite by filling the transparent pixels inside the sprite’s bounding box with the current colour. The new sprite contains opaque pixels where the selected sprite was transparent, and transparent pixels where the selected sprite was opaque.

How to: Create a complementary shape of a sprite

Creating a complementary shape of a sprite creates a copy of the sprite that contains opaque pixels where the original sprite was transparent, and transparent pixels where the original sprite was opaque.

You can create a complementary shape of a sprite as an alternative to:

· Using the Curve or Polygon tools when you want to erase an area of a completely opaque sprite that has many intricate, irregular edges and a solid background. Setting the current colour to the sprite’s background colour and creating a complementary shape produces the same result as erasing the freeform area.
· Using the Colour Bounding Box effect, which colours all the opaque and transparent pixels within a sprite’s bounding box.

Orginal SpriteStencil outline
Original SpriteResult

1 Open a new composition
a Select Insert
b From File

I used the handmous.mic file from the Image Composer CD.
Yyou can find this image in the:
Photos\Gestures\Photodisc directory.

Note:    If you want to use the catalog that comes with IC, you can find the sprite files in a folder named e:\Imgcomp\Common\Mmfiles\ on your CD (where e:\ is the name of your CD ROM). When you install IC you have the option to install the sprite catalog or to work from the CD if you don't have enough disc space.

2   Click the Cutout button in the Image Composer Toolbox to bring up the Cutout palette.

3    Click to select the sprite. On the Cutout Tools tab, click Stencil. stencil.jpg (28x26 -- 1154 bytes)

4    Move the sprites apart to see the result.

How to vary the results:

Change the current colour by clicking the colour swatch on the toolbox and choosing a different colour.

Tip Stencil works best on sprites that have distinct transparent areas. If the sprite has partially transparent areas, those areas in the cutout will also be partially transparent. If you use Stencil on a sprite with no transparent pixels, the new sprite will be completely transparent and therefore not visible in the workspace.