Usage Issues - Microsoft FrontPage
The "Article Listing" section of this article includes a subset of Knowledge Base articles about the interaction of Microsoft FrontPage with other Microsoft and non-Microsoft applications.
Note that because Microsoft Technical Support is constantly adding new information to the Knowledge Base, not all articles are listed here. For this reason, you may want to look on the Web to find the information you are looking for. Microsoft Technical Support on the Web is located at the following address on the World Wide Web:
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FrontPage 98 for Windows
- Microsoft FrontPage 97 for Windows with Bonus Pack
- Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh, version 1.0
Q180349 FP: Creating Zero Margins in FrontPage for Netscape Navigator 4
Q179061 FP: Clicking "Preview In Browser" Prompts to Connect to Internet
Q177151 FP97: DCOM Update Required for VSS Integration With MSPWS
Q175791 FP: What You Need to Know if You're Using FrontPage & AOL
Q174845 FP98: Image Dialog Box Different Than FP97 Image Dialog Box
Q174816 FP98: Problems Creating FrontPage 98 Webs on FrontPage 97 Server
Q174408 FP98: Can't Delete FrontPage 98 Web Published to FP 97 Server
Q173434 FP97: Indent Formatting in Word HTML File Converted to Bullets
Q173422 FP98: Dynamic HTML Requires Internet Explorer 4 Preview 2
Q173420 FP98: Interoperability with Previous Versions of FrontPage