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Other Web Procedures

To change the title of a FrontPage web
To create a new folder in a FrontPage web
To export a page or file from a FrontPage web
To rename a FrontPage web

To change the title of a FrontPage web!

A FrontPage web title is displayed by some Web browsers when you surf to the FrontPage web. You can change the web title for the current FrontPage web that is open in the FrontPage Explorer.

1    On the Tools menu, choose Web Settings.
2    In the Configuration tab, type the new FrontPage web title in the Web Title field.
3    Click OK.

To create a new folder in a FrontPage web!

1    In the FrontPage Explorer, switch to the Folders View by clicking the Folders button on the Views bar.

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2    In the All Folders Pane, double-click the folder in which you want to create a new folder.

3    On the File menu, point to New, then choose Folder.

4    Type a name for the new folder.

5    Press ENTER.

To export a page or file from a FrontPage web!

1    In the FrontPage Explorer's Folders View, All Files View, Navigation View, or Hyperlinks View, select the page or file that you want to export.

2    On the File menu, choose Export.

3    In the Export Selected As dialog box, use the Save In box and the box that lists files and folders to point to the folder in your file system in which you want to store the page or file.

4    To change the file name, edit it in the File Name field.

5    Click Save to export the file.

To rename a FrontPage web!

A FrontPage web name corresponds to a directory name on a Web server or in your file system and is subject to the length, character restrictions, and case sensitivity of that Web server or file system. A FrontPage web title is displayed by some Web browsers when you surf to the FrontPage web.

1    In the FrontPage Explorer, on the Tools menu, choose Web Settings.

This displays the FrontPage Web Settings dialog box.

2    In the Configuration tab, type the new FrontPage web name in the Web Name field.

3    To change the title of the FrontPage web, type the new title in the Web Title field.

4    Click OK.