Preview In Browser troubleshooting
When you use the Preview In Browser command on the File menu in FrontPage Editor to view your Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer, you are prompted to connect to the Internet.
This behaviour occurs because Internet Explorer has been configured to connect to the Internet if you are using HTTP to view a Web document.
To preview your Web page without receiving the prompt to connect to the Internet, use the following methods.
Method 1: If you are using Internet Explorer 4.0
To configure Internet Explorer 4.0 so that it does not connect to the Internet, follow these steps:
1. On the View Menu, click Internet Options.
2. Click the Connection tab.
3. Click "Connect to Internet using local area network."
4. Click to clear the "Access the Internet using a proxy server" check box.
5. Click Apply. Click OK.
6. Click the File menu. Verify that the Work Offline command is not checked.
7. Close Internet Explorer.
8. Switch to FrontPage Editor, and click the Preview In Browser command on the File menu to view your Web document.
To reconfigure Internet Explorer to connect to the Internet, follow these steps:
1. Start Internet Explorer. On the View Menu, click Internet Options.
2. Click the Connection tab.
3. Click "Connect to Internet using a modem."
4. Click to select the "Access the Internet using a proxy server" check box.
NOTE: For information about your proxy server, please consult your
network administrator.
5. Click Apply. Click OK.
6. Click the File menu. Verify that the Work Offline command is not checked.
7. Close Internet Explorer.
Method 1: If you are using Internet Explorer 5.0
1. On the View Menu, click Internet Options.
2. Click the Connection tab.
3. Click "LAN settings tab."
4. Click "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" to tick the check box.
5. Click OK twice
6. Click the File menu. Verify that the Work Offline command is not checked.
7. Close Internet Explorer.
8. Switch to FrontPage Editor, and click the Preview In Browser command on the File menu to view your Web document.