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Changing a Table Cont

To change the colour of cell borders
To change the colour of table borders
To change the layout of a cell
To change the layout of a table

To change the colour of cell borders!

A cell border can be one colour or two colours. When you use two colours, the cell border has a three-dimensional appearance.

1    In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point inside the cell for which you want to set border colours. Make sure the size of the border has been specified in the Table Properties dialog box.
2    On the Table or shortcut menu, choose Cell Properties.
3    Do one of the following:

·    To have the border be one colour, select a colour from the Border drop-down list. To define a custom colour, select Custom from this drop-down list.
·    To have a two-colour border (creating more of a dimensional effect) select colours from the Light Border and Dark Border drop-down lists. Custom colours can be defined by selecting Custom from the drop down lists.

Note: When you only select a Light Border or a Dark Border, the second colour used for the cell border is the colour selected from the Normal drop-down list.

4    Click OK.

To change the colour of table borders!

A table border can be one colour or two colours. When you use two colours, the table border has a three-dimensional appearance.

1    In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point inside the table for which you want to set border colours.
2    On the Table or shortcut menu, choose Table Properties.
3    Do one of the following:

·    To have the border be one colour, select a colour from the Border drop-down list. To define a custom colour, select Custom from the drop-down list.
·    To have a two-colour border (creating more of a three-dimensional effect), select colours from the Light Border and Dark Border drop-down lists. Custom colours can be defined by selecting Custom from the drop down lists.

Note: When you only select a Light Border or a Dark Border, the second colour used for the table border is the colour selected from the Normal drop-down list.

4    Click OK.
A table border can be one colour or two colours. When you use two colours, the table border has a three-dimensional appearance.

1    In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point inside the table for which you want to set border colours.
2    On the Table or shortcut menu, choose Table Properties.
3    Do one of the following:

·    To have the border be one colour, select a colour from the Border drop-down list. To define a custom colour, select Custom from the drop-down list.
·    To have a two-colour border (creating more of a three-dimensional effect), select colours from the Light Border and Dark Border drop-down lists. Custom colours can be defined by selecting Custom from the drop down lists.

Note: When you only select a Light Border or a Dark Border, the second colour used for the table border is the colour selected from the Normal drop-down list.

4    Click OK.

To change the layout of a cell!

You can change the layout of a cell by opening the Cell Properties dialog box and changing the following options:

·    Horizontal Alignment
·    Vertical Alignment
·    Header Cell
·    No Wrap

1    In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point inside the table, then on the Table menu choose Cell Properties.
2    In the Horizontal Alignment field, select the alignment you want for the contents of the cell from the drop-down list.
3    In the Vertical Alignment field, select the alignment you want for the contents of the cell from the drop-down list.
4    To make text in cells bold so the cells can be used as headings, select Header Cell.

5    Select No Wrap so the text inside cells is not wrapped by a web browser
6    Click OK.

To change the layout of a table!

You can change the layout of a table by opening the Table Properties dialog box and changing the following options:

·    Alignment
·    Border size
·    Cell padding
·    Cell spacing

1    In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point inside the table, then on the Table or shortcut menu choose Table Properties.
2    In the Alignment field, select the alignment you want from the drop-down list.
3    In the Float field, choose whether you want text to flow around the left or right of the table. When you choose Default, the text does not flow around the table.
4    In the Border Size field, enter how wide you want the border to be, in pixels.

5    In the Cell Padding field, enter how much space you want between the contents and inside edges of cells, in pixels.
6    In the Cell Spacing field, enter how much space you want between the cells in the table, in pixels.
7    Click OK.