FrontPage 2002 Tutorials - How to use the Insert hyperlink dialog box in FrontPage 2002
By Tina Clarke
(some tutorials cover FrontPage 2000 as well)
The Internet would not work without hyperlinks, but hyperlinks come in several varieties and FrontPage makes it easy to create all of them.
Basic knowledge of hyperlinks firstly consists of understanding the difference between Absolute and Relative and Internal and External links.
Absolute/External Hyperlink
This link consists of a full hyperlink address e.g.\index.html
This is what you use when linking to external sites and it's also best to make the link open in a new window. Then, when that window is closed, there is your site in the window beneath it. (See #8)
Relative/Internal Hyperlink
This type link consists of just a file name and the folder it's stored in, e.g.: msbulletinarchives\index.html
This kind of link is used within the confines of your own site. The only problem you can encounter here is inadvertently linking to another folder on your own hard drive which is outside the web you're working on, and that would break the link and you might end up with a link on the web site looking like this in the html.
Insert Hyperlink Options
1. Choose the type of Hyperlink to create
A. 'Existing File or Web Page' Click this icon to link to a file on your hard drive/local network/Internet. Use this in conjunction with 'Look in' and it's buttons and icons to navigate to the file you wish to use. (See #2)
B. 'Place in This Document' Click this icon to link to a bookmark that exists already in the page you're working on. In the 'Select Place in Document' box, click the bookmark you want to use as the destination, and then click OK.
C. 'Create New Document' Click this icon to create a link to a page on your website that has not been created yet. The 'New' Dialog box will open. Type the name of the new document. If you want to change the path of the new document, click Change. Under 'When to edit', specify whether you want to edit the new document now or later.
TIP: If you want to create the new page straight away click the 'Change' button and FrontPage will open the 'Create New Document' dialog box.
D. 'E-Mail Address' Click the icon to link your selected text or image to an email address. Either type the e-mail address you want in the 'E-mail address' box, or select an e-mail address in the 'Recently used e-mail addresses' box. However, don't type in 'mailto:', since this will be inserted automatically. In the 'Subject box', type the subject of the e-mail message.
NOTE: Some Web browsers and e-mail programs may not recognize the subject line.
TIP: When you use the Recently used e-mail addresses list, it will fill out the other fields for you, including the Subject line (providing you filled them in last time).
2. Look for Target File in 'Look in'
Use the three buttons below 'Look in' ('Current folder', 'Browsed Pages' and 'Recent Files') along with the two navigation icons ('Browse the web' and 'Browse for File') to select a target file for the hyperlink. The Current Folder button will be selected by Default and its contents displayed in the Current file list. Clicking 'Browsed Pages' will display the URLs for web pages you have browsed in IE (Internet Explorer). The amount listed reflects your history cache. Clicking 'Recent Files' will list all the files recently opened within FrontPage (whatever website they are stored in).
3. Text to Display.
The text you selected will be displayed by default, but you can still change this and it will replace the original linked text after you click OK.
4. Browse the Web
Click the icon to launch your web browser and navigate to the external page on the web. Once you have made your selection Press Alt + Tab to bring up FrontPage and the address will be pasted automatically into the Address window.
5. Browse for File
Click the icon to navigate to any file on your hard drive or local network. The file location will automatically be pasted into the Address window.
6. ScreenTip
This feature is based on the Windows screen tip feature and the button will let you create a small text message that appears when you mouse over a link. (Only works in IE4 or later). You can type directly into the box or, using the keyboard shortcut control + V, paste your text.
NOTE: You might find Tip 5 at of further interest regarding Screen Tips.
If you don't like doing it in html view you might want to check out this add-on Text Tips only $5.95
7. Bookmark
By selecting a file in the Current file list, you can use the Bookmark Button to link to a bookmark in a file other than the current page. (To use a bookmark in the current page, click the 'Place in This Document' button [see #1B] instead). Bookmarks are useful for allowing visitors to skip over material or find the information wanted straight away.
NOTE: If you did not select any text before using the Bookmark Icon, after you close the Bookmark window, you will see a flag icon in your text that represents the bookmark, this is not visible when your website is viewed in the browser.
8. Target Frame
This button is utilized for sites that are using frames, however you can make the link you are making open in a new window by selecting the 'New Window' option in the dialog box that pops up.
TIP: You only want to use this feature with External links, not Internal. (For that reason don't click the 'Set as page default' box). A link that opens a new browser window is useful for keeping visitors on your site while they simultaneously explore another site.
9. Current File List
The list will show the Current websites files by default, but this will change if you select the 'Browsed Pages' or 'Recent Files' buttons. This window has a scroll bar to enable you to see all the files listed in your site. (If files do not show you may need to configure Hidden files).
10. Address
FrontPage will automatically fill in the address for your targeted hyperlink based on your choices in the 'Link to' and 'Look in' columns. You can also type in the window and paste using the keyboard shortcut Control + V.
11. Style
You can use the Style button and configure all manner of css inline styles for your links. However, the one that might be of most interest to you is the 'No Text Decoration'. You can implement this by pressing the Style button, then the Format Button, select Font and tick the 'No text decoration' box under Effects.
More Tips
1) Follow a hyperlink while editing a page
In 'Page view', right-click the hyperlink, and then click 'Follow Hyperlink' on the popup box.
2) Remove a hyperlink
In Page view, select the hyperlink and do one of the following:
Delete the hyperlink completely, including the hyperlink text by pressing DELETE.
Preserve the hyperlink text but delete the hyperlink associated with it, by clicking on 'Insert Hyperlink'; in the 'Edit Hyperlink' dialog box click 'Remove Link'.
First Published in
ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers
Volume 19, December 2002