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FrontPage 2002 Tutorials - FrontPage 2002 Reports, Broken graphics, Printing, Customizing views and autofilter reports

(some tutorials cover FrontPage 2000 as well)

by Tina Clarke

Printing Reports (in FrontPage 2002)

In FrontPage 2000, you cannot print reports. See this tutorial to learn how to get around that.

How do I print a list of the broken hyperlinks that are generated by the FrontPage 2000 reports feature?

After generating a report, you can save or copy and paste the data into other Office programs. This feature does not work with ‘Site summary’ Reports nor with ‘Usage Summary’ Reports. – See the previous article for an add-on that will print the site summary.

First, select the report you want to run (i.e.: you have to enter that section - for example, click on ‘Broken Hyperlinks’) then go to File | Save and choose the location where you want to save the file. You can accept the default names for the file name and page title, or select new ones.

NOTE: The report is saved in Microsoft Excel HTML format. To view the report in Excel, double-click the file in any view except Tasks view. (You must have Excel installed or there is a free reader available

The Microsoft Excel 97/2000 Viewer is recommended for use with a stand-alone computer that does not have Microsoft Excel installed. This product allows the user to open and view Excel 97 and Excel 2000 spreadsheet files. The viewer is not suitable for use on a server.

NOTE: While this viewer is called the Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer, it is important to understand that you are not limited to only viewing Excel 97 spreadsheets.


After making your report selection as outlined above, right-click anywhere in the report and then click ‘Copy Report’ on the context menu. You can then copy the report to any program including a FrontPage Page file and the results appear in a table.

However, the files are not clickable, but there is a FREE FrontPage add-on that can produce a printable report with clickable links to the graphic and htm files.

FrontFX PrintWeb, by XZAKT Media

You can produce a customised printable report of all the files, folders and sub webs within the current web.

Broken Graphics Report

Have you ever wanted to check all the images in your FrontPage web to ensure that there are no broken images? FrontPage can’t do this but the FREE FrontPage addin FrontFX ET Image Reporter (created through ideas, thanks to Ernie Taylor and AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine) will do just that!

Just click the report and let the software start processing all the pages in your web for you.

With a simple to read report with affected pages and images listed, there will be no more headaches having to check each and every page manually for missing images.

For disk based webs, the FrontFX ET Image Reporter can add all affected pages/images to your Task list of things to do!

Customise views in reports

To sort reports by a specific column, click the column heading.

To move columns around, click and hold the column heading, and then drag it to where you want.

To change the width of a column, place the cursor between the column headings until the cursor changes to a double arrow, then click and drag the column to the width you want.

Show or hide gridlines in reports, on the ‘Tools’ menu, click ‘Options’, and then click the ‘Reports View’ tab. Select or clear the ‘Display gridlines when viewing reports’ check box.

Troubleshoot reports

Why are some images or other files in my web site not represented in my web site reports?

The Site Summary report displays the size, in kilobytes, of all the files in your web site. If your web site contains files located in hidden folders, those files will not be included in this report. To include files in hidden folders in your reports:

On the Tools menu, click Web Settings, then click the Advanced tab.
Select the Show hidden files and folders check box.

Use AutoFilter with Web Site Reports

AutoFilter is the way you view a subset of data in Reports view. A filtered list displays only the report data that meets the criteria you specify for a column. It is available for all reports except the ‘Site Summary’ report.

On the View menu, point to Reports, and then select the report you want to run.

Do one or more of the following:

Filter a list by choosing an item from the drop-down list

Click the arrow in the column that contains the item you want, and select it.

NOTE: You can use multiple filters in one report by choosing values in different columns. For example, you can choose htm in the Type column, and 5KB in the size column to show all HTML files of 5KB.

Filter a list for rows that contain customised information

This procedure enables you to filter a list for the following customised information:

Click the arrow in the column that contains the text, and click (Custom). In the box on the left, click equals, or does not equal, contains, or does not contain, begins with, or does not begin with, and so on. In the box on the right, enter the text you want. To add another criteria, click And or Or, and repeat the previous step.

Filter for blank or nonblank cells

Click the arrow in the column that contains the data then click (Blanks) or (NonBlanks).

NOTE: The (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) options are available only if the column you want to filter contains a blank cell

Remove filters

To clear filters from a single column, click the arrow in the column that contains the filter you want to remove, and click (All). To clear filters for the entire report, right-click anywhere on the report, and click Remove Filters on the shortcut menu.

NOTE: The filter settings are saved when you close the Web site, or when you close FrontPage.

First Published in ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers
Volume 32, Jan 2004