FrontPage Express - advanced topics
FrontPage Express can do much more than the simple HTML layout, which is essential, but basic and many people will quickly move to a point where they want to do more. It includes the ability to include additional advanced web features, like inserting Java applets or Webbot components. There are no Java applets included, but there are plenty available for free on the Web and you can use the dialog box, accessed from the Insert/Other Components/Java Applet menu item, to set the parameters for that applet. To use this properly, you will need to know a bit more about how tags work and you'll need detailed information on the individual applet - most should come with documentation.
There are three Webbots included with FrontPage Express - go to Insert/Webbot Component menu item and select the one you want from the dialog box:
This WebBot enables you to include a separate HTML document within an HTML file. This function is great for adding a common page to several HTML pages so that when the time comes to change the information, only one file has to be altered. The Include has many other features which can be extended by using some simple scripting.
Although this is quite a basic tool, it should be sufficient for searching within a site. A few properties need to be added in the dialog box so you can sort the search data according to its relevance. The Text field and required buttons will be added to your page automatically; the dotted lines around the search function only indicates that it is a WebBot, so don't worry - you won't see them in the browser.
Puts the date and time of the last update at the bottom of the page.