What You Can Not Do in FrontPage Express
Here are some of the key things that you cannot do in FrontPage Express:
- Paste or Drag & Drop Content From Office 97 Files While you can do this in FrontPage 97, you cannot do this in FrontPage Express. The text does come in, but with a lot of code as well.
- Insert Office 97 Files While you can do this in FrontPage 97, you cannot do this in FrontPage Express. The text does come in, but with a lot of code as well.
- Appears to be no way of producing 'nested lists' without using HTML directly
- If you explicitly mark some text as 'align left' instead of default alignment (which is left), any list items will have a paragraph spacing. Work-around is to remove the explicit 'align left'
- You must select the Formatted style before copying material into the editor. If you try to apply the style after pasting in material, you loose multiple spaces
- Preview in Browser FrontPage 97 has a Preview in Browser feature but FrontPage Express does not. *
- Other Features FrontPage Express also has no support for style sheets, Dynamic HTML, and push channels.
- Frames FrontPage Express has no support for frames. **
- You can't make thumbnails, but there are other tools.***
Framemaker (Free)
- Looking for an easier way to navigate around your website?
- Want to make a professional looking website with frames, but don't know how to do it?
With this free, online framemaker, you can make your frameset in just 30 seconds!!
* However there are two ways to get around this...
Open your browser
Go to File and Open
On the down arrow select C: drive
Then select your folder for FrontPage webs.
I have to go in a couple of folders through content then to the folder of the web I want, click on this, press open, then ok. The web page will come up in Explorer. You can follow the internal links in the web too, though 'Home' brings up the full list of files.
Obtain Arachnophilia and when you want to preview your site in as many different browsers as possible before publishing merely:
- Save your page
- Then go to Start, programs, Arachnophilia. When Arachnophilia. comes up.
- Go to File, Open file, Html File. Click on the down arrow at the top of the box to access the directory where you save your FrontPage Express files. When you arrive at the correct file, select it and press Open. The file then appears as html in Arachnophilia.
Now is where you use the preview in browser option of Arachnophilia. Not only can you do this but you have the option to configure up to 6 browsers (see below). The preview menu allows you to activate the selected browser, or quickly switch browsers. The Launch Selected Browser function is duplicated on the toolbar. Launch the browser ( The default browser will be the one you configured at set up with Arachnophilia.) Then you will be able to see your FPE web page in all it's glory:) (Not to mention you will be able to use Arachnophilia. as a html editor - Arachnophilia is a
At the bottom of this menu is an option to identify browsers. This is how you add browsers to your Arachnophilia. installation. You may identify up to six browsers. Using multiple browsers is good practice, because no two browsers act exactly the same. You may want to change the coding of your pages to accommodate these differences.
Arachnophilia uses a feature of Windows called DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) to switch from the main Arachnophilia. display to the browser display without requiring the user to relaunch the browser each time. Basically, after launching your browser the first time, you may simply press the main toolbar preview button and the browser’s display is updated with the new information. This system works on nearly all browsers -- on one older version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (2.0), because of a coding error, you have to touch the browser’s title bar to refresh the display. For owners of this browser, I recommend an upgrade, free at the time of writing.
Try this third party software which is Freeware Easy Thumbnails