FrontPage Express Links
If you want to add your FrontPage® Express Resource site to below list send me an email with your Site Name and address with a blurb about your site. (Webmaster's decision is final)
Help for FrontPage Express
There are not that many links available for FrontPage Express. However, Here are links that I have accumulated so far! You can still ask questions in the newsgroups and discussion forums! See FP98 Links and Free FP hosts
Fluffbucket maintains a seriously good section on FPE tutorials you should check it out it's the best one I've come across so far.
The FrontPage Express newsgroup is no longer available questions about FrontPage Express should now be asked in news://Microsoft.public.frontpage.client
See this page for details on how to obtain FPE
If you know html then you can still use frames with FPE...Note however that you cannot preview your pages so you will have to use a browser and what better tool than Arachnophilia for that?
New Links:
Troy and Jessica
Can't find FPE on an old mag disk? Troy and Jessica tell you what to do instead.
FrontPage Express Stationary Add-ons version 1.0
Front Page Express Tutorial Text-1
Creating Web Page with Microsoft FrontPage Express
Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0
By: Michael Bednarek a software review
Easy Web Pages : See It Done, Do It Yourself (Que's Easy Series)
This book offers clear step-by-step instructions on how to use FrontPage Express.
Creating Web Pages With Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and FrontPage Express
(One Day Course)
Author: Howard Peterson