Publishing with FrontPage Express
Web Publishing Wizard Microsoft The Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard makes it easy to post Web pages on the Internet. It automates the process of copying files from your computer to the Web server.
news:// Webpost Newsgroup!
After you have created Web Pages with FrontPage Express, you can upload them to the server so they can be viewed by the world. The following is a step-by-step tutorial of how accomplish this task.
Although FrontPage Express will allow you to save your pages to the Internet, you should save your work to a local hard drive while you are still working on it.
Create a sub-directory named website on your hard drive and save all your site's images, pages, music, etc, there. FrontPage Express will ask you where you want to store them on your site when you upload your pages.
In using FrontPage Express to publish your web pages this involves using the Web Publishing Wizard. If however you do not wish to use this a good FTP tool would be
Cute FTP as this has the facility, once the initial upload has been achieved, to compare directory structures between folders on your hard drive and web site and so allowing you to only publish pages and files that have been changed, therefore saving time spent connected. Another feature is the ability to resume any interrupted download. The interface is similar to that of Windows Explorer and includes drag and drop icons and web browser-style bookmarks. The registration fee is around £25.
However if you can't afford to pay WS_FTP LE is the fastest FTP software around and can upload and download very quickly. The interface looks very similar to most other FTP programs, there are no obscure toolbars, and all the advanced options, such as remote file editing, can be accessed by right-clicking on the file or option in question. WS_FTP LE is available in two versions: The cut down version is completely free, but lacks some of the advanced features of the full version WS_FTP PRO. You an get the PRO version as shareware and evaluate it for a full 30 days after that it cost £25 to register.
You may be asked to verify your username and password at some point in the uploading process, in which case authenticate yourself as the account owner of the web account by entering your username and password in the appropriate places. These will have been sent to you via email when you first joined your host or ISP, if you have forgotten them you can email your host or ISP for them. If this is a process you will do often, check the "Save this password in your password list" option. Now click "OK."
To view a larger version of the thumbnail's just click on them!
1. To publish your Web Pages, click on the "File" menu and select "Save As..."
2. You will be prompted to give your Web Page a title and a location to publish your files to. The format will vary depending on which host you use. Look in the help files of the host or ISP you are using for these details. However it should be something like. http://www/ or html substituting the user name given you in place of user name, of course:
When you have entered the Title and Location, Press OK
When asked: Save this image to the current FrontPage web? , verify the URL to which your are uploading to and the correct image filename, and click on Yes. (Note: this only applies if you have images associated with this web page)
NOTE: You should save your first page as index:
3. Click OK:
4. The Web Publishing Wizard box will come up next, which helps you publish your files to the web, click Next.
5. It appears again telling you to specify a Internet Service Provider, click Next.
6. So far things have been relatively easy, now depending on your host and what instructions they give you things can get a little sticky. You are now presented with a variety of choices but for general purposes here we will go with FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
7. Under FTP Server Name you need to put what your host has provided. Which will be something like e.g.
Under Subfolder containing your web pages: sometimes hosts ask you to put public_html, but not always, if you have not been told by your host to put anything, leave this blank.
Under URL for your web server and directory, should be the URL you originally put in Location. This will be grayed out in FTP.
Click Next:
8. Verify that you want to publish your files to your website by clicking "Next" and your files will be uploaded to your site. The first time will take a while as all the files have to be uploaded, however next time only the ones you have changed will be uploaded.
Wait as your files are transferred to the Internet Web server...
The gratuitous "OK" message at the end of the last file transfer indicates a successful session!
Congratulations you have uploaded your website.