FrontPage Express Wizards
Here a are a few wizards (see picture below) to help you make your pages. This tutorial will help you create customised pages with the wizard.
1 File
2 New or press Ctrl + N
3 A dialog box called 'Personal Home Page Wizard' will pop up and this gives you a list of templates that you can use. The wizard then proceeds to help you through making a template.
4 Select one of the following templates
Normal Page
Creates a blank Web page.
Confirmation Form - Creates a page to acknowledge receipt of user input from discussion, Form Result, or Registration forms.
Form Page Wizard
Collect a form page by selecting the types of information you wish to collect. The wizard will take you through the page URL and Title, the type and amount of information you wish to receive input from, hierarchy, presentation and Output options.
New Web View Folder
This template produces a web page that you could use to specify as the web page for a folder displayed in Web View.
NOTE: (This is a new template) You can obtain it by downloading the latest download of FrontPage Express from Microsoft Update page. (If anyone gets this working let me know because I can't!)
Personal Home Page
Create a Home Page customised to your specifications in minutes.
Survey Form
Create a form to collect information from your web site or home page visitors, and store it in a file on your web server.
5 Click OK
6 If you selected a wizard, fill in all the dialog boxes.
7 Many of the pages created using these templates and wizards contain "placeholders," which are fields where you need to fill in your own data. For example in the 'Personal Home Page Wizard' you need to edit the data with your own job title, responsibilities and so on. Just use the normal text editing techniques to delete the existing information and type in your own.
The pages created by the wizards and templates are an easy way to get a head start on your web page chores. However, you will probably find that you have to make extensive modifications to these pages to end up with the design you prefer. Alternatively, you may start with a blank page and create everything from scratch.