FrontPage Express Text Tools
Adding formatting to text before you enter it:
1 Select the options and then type
Adding formatting to text after you enter it:
1 Highlight the text
2 Apply the format changes
Increase Text Size and Decrease Text Size.
Normal HTML text sizes are defined by a selection of tags that define areas of text as paragraphs, headings (of different sizes of which "Heading 1" or H1 is the largest) and lists - bulleted and otherwise. To use these in FrontPage Express, choose the format type from the drop down menu list on the left of the toolbar. (See above). Or highlight the text and then click on either the font enlarge button (an 'A' symbol with an upward pointing arrowhead) (see above) or the font reduce button (an 'A' symbol with a downward pointing arrowhead) (see above)
Go on, try them! One effect is to make the first letter of each sentence a few sizes higher. You get some extra line spacing this way as well. Just highlight the first letter of each word and click Increase Text Size twice.