FrontPage Express Text Tools 3
Change Style control:
Changing the font style:
Additional styles:
Change Style control
You can select the paragraph style from this list. Paragraph styles include headings and the formatted style, as well as the normal style. Web pages can only contain certain pre-defined styles, you cannot define your own using simple editors like FrontPage Express.
Changing the font style
These can be used together i.e. Bold, Italicised Underlined
As with writing a letter, you can add further emphasis to a piece of text by changing the font syle.
You can bold text, for instance by using the 'B' button on the toolbar.
Underline text by using the 'U' button.
Italicise text by using the 'I' button on the toolbar.
Underline can be mistaken for the usual way of showing a hyperlink and is best avoided on Web pages.
Colouring text
This little smiley face is the palette icon and you can use this to to select any colour from the palette for your text. The colour will then be defined as html and as a hexadecimal code. You should use the basic colours as these will then appear correctly on your PC if it has low colour settings. e.g. 256 colours.
Choose your font colour scheme wisely - yellow text on a white background is neither desirable or readable. To change the font colour in FrontPage, highlight the piece fo text that you wish to format and use the palette button to alter the colour.
Additional styles
There are lots of other styles you can use in your Web site, accessed by clicking on the 'Font' option within the 'Format' menu at the top of the page. Now, click on the 'Special Styles' tab and you can choose form a variety of additional styles.
You can use CSS style sheets and IE 5 has improved support for this. However users can define their own styles which override any styles that you may have in your web site.
Left Centre Right
You can align your headers and paragraphs in different ways to make a good presentation. Text in HTML can only be aligned to the left, right or centre - you cannot justify text within a zone that is between both a left and right margin (i.e. justified), except by using advanced features such as a style sheet.