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Saving a page to a folder on your hard drive - Make a New Folder

In this section you will:-

The left hand cell in each row is the action you perform on your computer. The right hand cell gives you some indication of what the computer's response should be.

Your action Computer response
Change the File Name: to the special name index.htm

Change the File Name

This name must always be the first page in your Web site, Web servers recognise this name as special.
Click on the Create New Folder button, on the top right hand part of the Save As... dialog box.

Create a new folder

New Folder is created with a default name. Notice how the name is highlighted.

New Folder (highlighted)

Change the folder name to something sensible like Web Pages. You can do this just by typing the new name, your typing will replace the highlighted text. The folder has the name you gave it

The folder has the name you gave it

Double click on the folder icon to change into that folder The list of files goes blank, as you are now viewing an empty folder
Save your page into this folder by clicking on the Save button Save Button The blank page is saved, and the Save As... dialog box disappears leaving you with the FrontPage Express document window open
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