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Typing and editing text 2

Formatted style
Line Break
Horizontal lines


Lists are easy to make - just click the appropriate list tool button and type each entry in the list. When you have finished, press Enter twice and the list will close, and you will revert to the 'normal' text style.

Lists can

Formatted style

As the layout control in Web pages is limited, you can use the formatted paragraph style to reproduce the formatting of the original completely. Formatted style is usually reproduced by browsers as 'typewriter style' text. The Formatted style is often used for program listings, numerical data and other output from programs which is not easy to re-format. The example below is from an ephemeris of the Moon - attempting to reproduce this as a table would take a long time and require patience!

                         Topocentric Ephemeris of MOON

           ¦   for Greenwich Meridian  ¦   for location:  Longitude W   1 55.0
           ¦                           ¦                  Latitude  N  52 30.0
           ¦                           ¦                  Time Zone   UT
           ¦      Ephemeris Transit    ¦
   Date    ¦    TDT JD       TDT Time  ¦  Rise (Azm)  Trans (Alt)   Set  (Azm)
                              h  m   s     h  m    °    h  m    °    h  m    °
1999 Jan 12  2451190.830288   7 55 36.9    3 02 (111)   8 04 (s24)  12 58 (247)
1999 Jan 13  2451191.861783   8 40 58.0    4 05 (116)   8 49 (s22)  13 27 (242)
1999 Jan 14  2451192.894616   9 28 14.8    5 06 (120)   9 36 (s20)  14 02 (239)
1999 Jan 15  2451193.928809  10 17 29.1    6 05 (123)  10 25 (s18)  14 44 (237)
1999 Jan 16  2451194.964141  11 08 21.8    6 59 (124)  11 16 (s18)  15 35 (237)
1999 Jan 17  2451196.000186  12 00 16.0    7 46 (122)  12 08 (s19)  16 33 (238)
1999 Jan 18  2451197.036427  12 52 27.3    8 28 (119)  13 00 (s21)  17 39 (242)
1999 Jan 19  2451198.072418  13 44 16.9    9 03 (115)  13 52 (s23)  18 49 (247)
1999 Jan 20  2451199.107918  14 35 24.1    9 34 (109)  14 43 (s27)  20 03 (254)
1999 Jan 21  2451200.142944  15 25 50.4   10 01 (102)  15 34 (s31)  21 18 (261)

The best way to apply the Formatted style to some data like that above is to

Line Breaks

Sometimes you want to force a new line without starting a new paragraph. The obvious need for this is the postal address, but poetry often needs this approach.

To force a new line, you hold the shift key down and press enter. Try entering the your address. E.G.

North Birmingham College
Great Barr
B9 5AD

Horizontal lines

Another way of breaking up the page is to use a horizontal line,

The line always adds a paragraph of space above and below.

To insert a line at the current position of the text insertion tool, you just

  1. Select Insert | Horizontal Line from the Insert menu
  2. The line appears selected - click somewhere to unselect
  3. right click with the mouse over the horizontal line to bring up a menu
  4. select Horizontal Line Properties to see the following dialog box:

    fpe21.gif (4710 bytes)
  5. Adjust the settings as you wish (not all browsers will reproduce all the settings)
  6. Click OK to accept the changes and dismiss the dialog box.


Click on Insert symbol, select the symbol you want and press Insert. When you have finished press Close.