Tabulating numerical information
Planning a table
Inserting a table
Planning a table
Tables need to be planned in advance. Many modern spreadsheets and word processors can export tables as HTML files. If you have to type some data into a table, you need to decide
- how many rows and columns you need
- how you want to arrange the row and column headings
- how the data is to align within each cell in the table.
As an example, suppose we want to make this table in a Web page:
The table has the following features
- Title
- A source caption after the table
- 5 columns in the main part
- 6 rows
- Headings which span across two columns
Borders in each cell
Inserting a table
To reproduce this table in MS FrontPage express, we
- Have MS FrontPage running with a Web page open
- Insert a table with 5 columns and 6 rows by clicking on the Insert Table icon and dragging the table to the needed size
- Click in the top left hand cell of the table
- Right click in the table and select the Table Properties from the menu
- Select Border size 1 from the Layout part of the Table Properties dialog box
- Select Centre from the Alignment control in the Layout section of the Table Properties dialog box
- Click OK
- Right Click and select Cell Properties from the menu
- Select Border colour white from the Custom Colours part of the Cell Properties dialog box
- Click OK.
Your table might look a bit like this: