Step by step how to insert an image
1. To insert an image, click on the "Image" button under "Insert", which is highlighted below.
2. To select a file that is on your computer, click the "Browse..." button.
3. By default, FrontPage Express starts its search in the "My Documents" folder on your computer. If the picture you would like to insert is NOT stored in this folder then click on the down arrow, which is circled below, to access the rest of your files.
NOTE: FrontPage Express uses GIF and JPEG image formats, which is standard for Web Browsers.
To use an image file located somewhere else on your hard drive click on the (C:) drive.. You will be shown the list of folders on your hard drive. You can double-click on the folders to navigate your way to the image file you want to use. Or you can click on the drive that contains your CD-ROM if you have a CD with web graphics. ( A good source of web graphics are from internet magazines like .Net or Internet Works)
4. When you have found the image file that you would like to use, double-click on the file so FrontPage Express can open it. Your image will be inserted into your web page, as shown below. Click on the image one time so it becomes selected. You can now manipulate the image by using the alignment buttons, one of which is circled below.
5. You can add text to your Web Page by clicking your mouse below the image and typing the information you want to appear.