Adding images - 2
GIF: Copy and paste a chart from MS Excel 97
JPEG: Processing a scanned photograph
GIFs: Copy and paste charts cont:
If you are using a page background colour other than white, and if you want your images to load in a smooth way over a slowing link, you can
- double click on the image in FrontPage Express to bring up the Image Properties dialog box
- make sure the General tab is selected
- click the GIF and Interlaced options in the Image Type section of the dialog box
- click OK to accept this change, the dialog box should disappear
- save the change you have made to the page
- check the appearance of your page in a Web browser
JPEG: Processing a scanned photograph
If you scan a photograph into a painting package, you should save the file in the .JPEG format. You will need to
- scan at a resolution of 72 dots per inch to reproduce the image at roughly the same size on the screen
- use 24 bit colour to preserve all the colour information in the image
- crop the image to suit your page in the painting program
- save the image as .JPEG from your painting program, choosing a level of JPEG compression which is a compromise between file size and image quality.
I used by £59.99 special flat bed A4 scanner to scan a snapshot of the door of Kenilworth church. The photograph may not be art, but it is mine, and thus copyright free for your use!
I used Microsoft Photo Editor to scan in the image, adjust the brightness and contrast, and save the image.
The steps were
- Select the image source using File | Select Scanner Source from the File menu
- Choose the correct scanner (I keep my old hand scanner connected)
- Then select File | Scan Image to bring up the scanner control panel
- Select 72 dots per inch and 'photo' scan mode, and adjust the preview area to match the 6" by 4" photo print
- Click on the Preview button
- Check the preview image in the scanner control software, and adjust brightness and size of the image roughly
- Cick the Scan button
- The scanner control dialog will disappear when the scan is complete, and you will see the final scan in the MS Photo Editor screen.
Use the selection tool
to crop the image to suit
- Copy selection to clipboard using Edit | Copy from the Edit menu
- Select Edit | Paste as New Image from the Edit menu to transfer the cropped version to a new window
Adjust the brightness and contrast using the Image Balance control
, the Image Balance dialog box looks like this
- just try the sliders to se the effect on the image, and click OK when you like the effect. You can 'undo' after clicking OK by selecting Edit | Undo Apply Map from the Edit dialog box
When you are happy with the appearance of the image, you should save the image as a .JPEG file. To do this;
- Select File | Save As.. from the File menu in the usual way
- Select JPEG Interchange Format *.JPEG file type from the Save As Type: list
- Navigate to the folder you keep your Web pages, and select a suitable file name
- Click on the More... button to reveal the JPEG compression options
- Use the slider to select a percentage of roughly 30 to 70%
- Click OK to accept your choice.